Lament headed to the forest. " THORN!!" She yelled.
Lament ran around mindlessly. She didn't know where she was going, she just knew that she needed to find Thorn.
Lament ripped away from the soldiers grips and tried to run after Thorn.
" STOP IT!!!!!!" Lament screamed as she started running towards them.
Lament watched in horror.
" Stop it!!" Lament yelled.
OOC: Sorry BIC: Lament let go of Ren and looked at the soldiers.
OOC: Yup, ( sings while waiting) lol
OOC: Yeah.
OOC: lol we're getting soooooo off task.
OOC: :cryinganime:
OOC: uh oh spikes offline. What now?
Lament looked over at when she heard the comotion.
" Y..your not mad at me?" Lament asked surprised.
Lament nodded slowly.
" Oh...ummmm......" She said as her face started to turn a light pink.
" Oh um.... well I could tell he really wanted to come." She said.
" Me too." Lament said.
" Yes very much thank you." Lament said.
She put one hand on his shoulder while she held his other hand. She smiled as they danced.