hmm i think it should be possible after all they are textures and well my guess is tht it would be a lil hard to find them but ill try gettin on this game after i relese me codes for KH2FM
yup i played it and well it was really awesome specially with new effects and Rikus new sprite XD nice job man cant wait fr the actual part to release ^^
yup its a DW Roxas with one keyblade
hmm give it some time itll load after a while
umm this is COM so we cnt give them terra or vens texture also the person HAS to be present their to give them their texture so yeah ^^"
hmmw ell as far as i knw only truth knws how to do tht
umm u cant fight any of them on KH2
yeah i knw i checked it
who Roxas?? yup but it would be really hard to find and plus it would be DMA
lol but isnt tht the weapon size mod?? ^^" but anyway the codes work i tried hmm and also messing with the size mod gives a glitch to the weapon tht make characters hold their weapons backwards interesting.......
yup i knw but she wants it as tht he weilds the keybldae but still weilds the keyblade in his hands like Riku does
lol ive got some other tricks :P
lol yeah and i replied again :P
yup the new effects mod have been out and well they do work on the PS2 so well yeah ^^ lol well hmm dont knw if its possible but ill take a look at it tomo ^^
oh lol the reason for tht was because when giving Riku to hold soras weapons he weilds it backwards so thts why it's backwards ^^ and well i gave u the digits for Roxas to weild backwards on page or two pages back ^^
oh lol nice and yeah replied u back on the thread and oh thanks and i knw im kind :P
no i meant roxas fix like roxas is already playable so wht do u need me to do with it?? ^^"
thats good and thanks for what?? ^^
my pleasure and Roxas fix as in?? hmm but i thought Effects mod did worked for PS2 the new one at least they did.....??
Yo im good you?? ^^