yup peace ^^ and thanks u too ^^
yup and well everywhere i wont even come online on my MSN ^^"
lol yup and thanks :P well some personal reasons ^^
Yo guys well i don't like to write really big description so ill write it short well this is my last codeing video since i wont ever come online for some reasons and well i hope that u will like the codes and well here are the codes ^^ BBS Mickey *made by keytotruth* And a little Edited by "Aurangzeb56"(R2): (Goto the throne room of Land Of Dragons to activate) E011FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 00000318 2032E3B4 8189821B 2032E3B8 819F81A0 2032E3BC 81878187 2032E3C0 809E8196 2032E3C4 81958195 2032E3C8 80A380A3 2032E3CC 81978197 2032E3D0 81978197 21C6C93C 05050000 21C6C940 00000000 21C6C900 0A090964 21C960F0 58455F57 21C960F4 5F303130 21C960F8 00003033 2032e364 FFFFFFFF 2032e36c 06080606 21c9f2bc 00020000 11CE0B6A 0000005B 21c9578c 04000001 21c957d4 001C0002 2083f204 00c6b2c0 DW Roxas with Spinning Keyblades: 11CE0B68 00000323 21cd53f0 46495254 21cd53f4 00004c5f 21cd53f8 00000000 21cd5410 46495254 21cd5414 00004c5f 21cd5418 00000000 Regular DW Sora(FIX) 21CD51C8 58455F57 21CD51CC 00303130 01C9553F 00000005 20191C70 00000000 2032EF0C 80528231 2032EF10 81088109 2032EF14 810B810C 2032EF18 810D810E 2032EF1c 81108111 2032EF20 810A810F 21c6c93c 04040404 21c6c940 00000004 21CE0B6A 01360136 201C99A0 0000102D 201C9A80 0000102D 01D49448 00000006 01D493C8 00000005 21c98e4c 0000000C 201A1A08 00000000 201A1D78 10000006 4032F064 00130001 03020100 00000000 2032E028 FFFFFFFF 2032E02C FFFFFFFF Play as DW Lion Sora: 11CE0B68 0000028A 21c9c8cc 01000000 01C9C91F 0000000A 21cd5348 58455f57 21cd534c 5f303130 21cd5350 46544c55 21cd5354 00004c5f 21CE267C 004A003B Shadow Roxas DW: (Might work on PS2) 11CE0B68 0000005A 21c95730 58455f50 21c95734 00303331 21C6C93C 05050000 21C6C940 00000000 21C6C900 0A090964 201C9A80 0000102D 201C99A0 0000102D 2032e028 FFFFFFFF 2032e030 06080606 21c9572c 01000000 21c95774 00090001 01c9577F 0000000A 21cd53c8 58455f57 21cd53cc 5f303130 21cd53d0 46544c55 21cd53d4 00004c5f 21cd53a8 58455f57 21cd53ac 5f303130 21cd53b0 46544c55 21cd53b4 0000525f 01c9f62f 00000001 11CD4394 0000077A DW Shadow Roxas: (Might work on PS2) 11CE0B68 00000323 21c9f630 58455f50 21c9f634 00303331 21c9f638 00000000 21C6C93C 05050000 21C6C940 00000000 21C6C900 0A090964 201C9A80 0000102D 201C99A0 0000102D 2032e028 FFFFFFFF 2032e030 06080606 21cd5408 58455f57 21cd540c 5f303130 21cd5410 46544c55 21cd5414 00004C5f 21cd53e8 58455f57 21cd53ec 5f303130 21cd53f0 46544c55 21cd53f4 0000525F 01c9f62f 00000001 11CD4394 0000077A Play As DW Sora(KH1) 11CE0B68 000006C1 21caec2c 01000000 21cd51c8 58455f57 21cd51cc 00303130 01caec7f 0000000A 21c6c93c 05040000 21c6c940 00000000 21ce267c 006000BB 1032F024 00008052 11CD4394 0000077A ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Dummies) Play As Warrior Sora(KH1) 11CE0B68 000006C1 21caec2c 01000000 21cd51c8 58455f57 21cd51cc 00303330 01caec7f 0000000A 21c6c93c 05040000 21c6c940 00000000 21ce267c 00BB0060 1032F024 00008052 11CD4394 00000949 ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Shield Dummies) Sora With Two Organizations Weapons: 1032E020 00000029 01c9553f 0000000A 21cd51c8 45485f57 21cd51cc 00303030 21c6c93c 04040404 21c6c940 00000004 11CD4390 00000845 ------>Weapon Mod(Weapon Dummies or Xaldins Lances) 11CD4394 00000846 ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Dummies) Roxas With Two Organizations Weapons: 11CE0B68 00000323 1032E020 00000029 01C9F62F 00000001 01C9572F 00000001 21CE267C 003F00AC 21cd5408 554d5f57 21cd540c 00303030 21c6c93c 04040000 21c6c940 00000000 11CD4390 00000845 ------>Weapon Mod(Weapon Dummies or Xaldins Lances) 11CD4394 00000846 ----->Oathkeeper Mod(Organizations Weapons) Sora in summon: 11CE0B68 00000058 21c95678 4631484b 21c956bc 00020000 21caeed0 58455f50 21caeed4 5F303031 21caeed8 XXXXXXXX --------> Summon Model Mod 21caeef0 58455f50 21caeef4 5F303031 21caeef8 XXXXXXXX --------> Summon Mset Mod 21caeefC 65736D2E 21caef00 00000074 21caeecc 01000013 21caef14 00050006 21c6c93c 05050000 21c6c940 00000000 1032e084 00000052 201A1A08 00000000 201A1D78 10000006 0032E02F 00000063 2032E028 FFFFFFFF 21C6C900 0A090964 20370bac 3E000000 11CD4390 0000077A 11CD4394 0000077B Digits: XXXXXXXX SORA (CURRENTLY HAS UNREMOVABLE SHININESS): 00000000 (Model Only) VALOR FORM: 464C5442 WISDOM FORM: 4647414D LIMIT FORM: 4631484B MASTER FORM: 46495254 FINAL: 46544C55 ANTIFORM: 464C5448
Egh ^^" lol i dont think u knw me do u ?? ^^"
lol well learning codeing in starting is hard but when u learn it its really easy ^^"
well it doesnt take long for it to work but it takes time to make it
oh he does lol and i knw T-stance is a dummy model ^^" well kk cool then