okay overload i added you, but you only have twilight as your element
can org characters be in it?
Quid calmed down and walked back to the town, " i wonder where everyone is"
thx, again good job
that's really good where'd you downlaod pivot 3?
hey LKX!!!
i know,........................FREE COOKIESSSsSSS!!!
:huh: huh, i'm not sure, mine says is of unknown quantity at this point
i was just trying to make hammer time sound funny -__-'
now that made me think of,...... HAMMER TIME!
do you think ccbx should get married
*disco dance*
dance party!!!!
thank you for saying that XD Anyone else agree?
..when the characters have that really really REALLY long stare/pause before they actually fight in anime?
to catgirlx? sure if ya like her
geez, marriages, marriages, marriages..........when will it end! .......................i added something on my sig, can you tell?
christopher walken as vexen lol
-__-' not again
...aving cream repetitive, but funny