Iiiiiiiiiiinteresting.... Death Note was supposed to be airing on YTV last friday... i wonder what dubbed DN would be like... yes... i watch anime on YTV... i'm usually bored on fridays so... yeah...
:sweatdrop: i just noticed, i'm not using my new siggy...
..lol that is all.
Attention Duelists! My hair is assaulting you! hi again
in case no-oe figured out Yu-Gi-Oh Abriged reference^^ anyways... i got to go... *sigh* why does he have to drag me with him? byes...
hi, i'm only on for a bit for i stole my brother's turn and, i have to take him to some childrens card game tourney... that's absurd! only Adults are allowed to play Children's Card Games!
wha?! /filler/
I miss Roxllen/Crisp... now the Count to 1,000,000 thread is boring, and i lost one of my first friends on the site...
hi work soon, *sigh*
I'm back, they've now changed my hours around since i mostly have to leave early to take care of my bro... oh, and i found my brother's bedroom door busted once... all i really said... well... yelled.. was WTF at the top of my lungs... hi
hiya again, i need to get my bro and leave early so... be right back... EDIT: Back... O_o EDIT: got to go.... again... be back soon...
I'm off to work soon, probably won't be back... my cousin came over^^ (she's like a Sister to me^^) *dances* we do need CtR... this thread is dying without her...
okay, you just took the words right out of my mouth...
Anyway....have you ever.... -had A migraine. sinus infection, and a tooth ache in THE SAME DAY?? ((This happened to me today* blech... yes... -gotten stitches? ye-up... -had a boyfriend/girlfriend? HAVE a girlfriend... basically yes... -Had a random flashback of a scene in kingdom hearts that included Xaldin? ((happened to my friend)) ....? anyways... no... -Galloped on a horse? nope -rode a horse? nope -been to disneyland? D: nope...
I'm back... yeah i know, i had to pick up my brother so... they let me off... O_o only one post while i was gone?! EDIT: me bored
my first post... hmm... i think it might've been in the Chocobos or Moogles thread...
*sigh* have to leave... *sigh* work is hell... *sigh* and my brother complains when i need to ue his DS... *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*
so do i... but meh, we're all random... dammit can't my brother walk to school... crapple, that means i'll be leaving sooner than i thought...
Morning... *sigh* off to work... the only good news is my Cousin will be staying with us for a while^^ *dances*
hi family... sick, tired, bored, and pissed at YouTube... THEY WON'T LET ME POST MY BULLETEN! >o