no-one WAS on at the time... *yawns* *toasts bagel* *sits down* *inhales bagel* *yawns*
26193 i don't post here enough...
hi... blargh, no-one on MSN...
okay, i'd ban you from the internet if i could...
no way, watermelon is like, 800 Munny a piece! pretzels it is. (watermelon still rules^^)
is it me or is everyone ignoring CtR? she's just about the only one in this thread that makes a good point... then again... this is spam zone... but still... angel, don't worry EDIT: nevermind...
top of the page curse... again... anyways, WOO! RETURN OF CTR AND 80 MEMBERS! PARTY!
*points to quote in sig* and she deserves it^^ (btw, second quote,not first.)
i know i said i wouldn't be on until thursday... but i kinda got sick... and CtR has no... idea... what... ZOMFG CTR!
...why God why?... :cryinganime: EDIT: see ya thursday...
hi guys... *sits and cries in corner* :cryinganime:
erm.. then Friday i'm off to my cottage... :sweatdrop: basically i'll be gone the whole week but thursday... OH CRAP I FORGOT TO PM DARKWATCH.. erm... should i just post in the thread? even though it's been inactive for 2 months?
hi guys... back... going away tommorrow won't be back until Thursday...
so... umm... yeah... i'm going to go PM for that name change... and then i won't be on for a bit because i have to take my brother to EB games/Gamestop...
you need to pe premium OR have been here 5 months with 300 posts
nothing, just looking into getting a name change.
is it okay to bump a 2 month old stickied thread to change your name if you meet the Requirements? or should i just PM?
1000 posts and 50-70 rep... meh, we still have plenty of stuff to customize... *ish trying to get a username change*
*sigh* new user ranks are starting to take effect... only premiums can change theirs... somehow i'm clinging onto mine... *sips coffee* *spits out coffee* blech... i hate coffee...
'Morning... *yawns* *toasts Bagel* *sits down at computer* *inhales Bagel* *yawns*