yus, PLUSHIES FOR ALL! i feel kinda weird being a 20 year old guy holding plushies of teenage girls... O.o *gives plushies to orphans* *makes it rain cookies for starving kids in Africa* *saves world from Meteor* *volunteers at the retirement home* *notices he must be going insane* *stops* *munches Roast beef sub*
*Rains better quality plushies*
HI FAMILY! *cookies and hugs* *KH plushies fall from the sky*
got to go... bye:(
Kairi: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure well anyways... i should get going soon...
*looks at Xemnas7355* *waves for someone to come over* Kairi: *deep breath* WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUM! i command KH characters now... DO NOT QUESTION ME! *bomb'd*
*cookies and hugs for all*
and the "Car" but yep! *welcome back cookies* *welcome back hugs* *brick'd for stealing CtR's signature 'cookies and hugs'*
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! long time no see Emo Pengwin! the family missed ya! welcome back! (btw if you don't know who i am Emo Pengwin... PM me...)
lol *wake up cookies* *cookies for all* *hugs for all*
yes... i can command angels... FEAR ME! *bomb'd*
HUGS FROM HEAVEN! *angels come down and hug everyone*
hihihihiihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! hi family! *welcome cookies for Goku360* *cookies and hugs for all*
hi goimez... bye family :(
i'm 20... ...i feel... old...
okay, hope to see you soon! bye!
HI FAMILY!!! *makes it rain cookies and hugs*
hi family...
although... honestly... i stared at it for like, an hour... trying to figure it out...
am i the only one who sees it as Amber D Slovick?