There we go, better?
I'm still here because I'm here forever
For who? I can't do it for a fictional character D: Or are you suggesting I stay on here for the girl I like? Boy let me tell you what, she doesn't even know I'm on here! I doubt she even knows what a KHV is :-I
While I was gone from you guys I thought I should join another forum but after seeing Burnt Face Man 9 I realize that you guys are really the only people who would not kick me off in 1 hour, even though we may disagree a lot, I have to admit, I just love talking to you guys, areguing is one of my strong points in life, no matter if I win or lose, I still will bring up a reason to argue. So thank David Firth for bringing me back here, and thank Misty and yourselves for making me find out your secret message which is: If I do ever go guys, if I ever do break this rule, I want you to do me one favor, I want you to put this pic on the sign up page. But that's probably going to be a while, so for now, I will just like to say the new KHV motto: You're here, forever!
KHV is full of casuals? I thought it was full of hipsters and stuff....
Hate for Bieber is like a sandwich, you keep on topping it until you get to the top, that top could be something little, or big, but once you reach the top, no matter what, you've reach overboard.
DarkTraitor pls
This is the last straw, if Justin Bieber ever crosses my path, which I doubt will ever happen, I'm going to stab him once in the chest, not kill him, but he's reached a new ranking for people I want to beat up.
Asylum was good, but to me in a nutshell, it just felt like another game starring stereotypical Batman City has that sometimes but it also has that "more than just a superhero" feeling that other Batman media like the Dark Knight had.
Manga's more gory right? Me love violence, that's what made me love the Higurashi manga more. Also can you explain to me if there's anything different from the anime compared to the manga? Without spoiling anything, I just got past the 3rd episode, I'm more of an anime person than a manga reader so don't judge me :-I
B-bu-but I wanna play....
Lets play! Come on, don't ya wanna play with me?
Thanks, I'm going to remember this when I get Skyrim on PC (If I ever get it, I'm kind of iffy on running it on medium settings, I don't give a rats ass about graphics, but I don't want it to look too ugly)
Wait...there's a way you transfer my Xbox saves to the PC version? Already am, more choice of customization with PC games, I think its more fun
I'm turning into a PC gamer, right now I plan on keeping my Wii due to the option that I can upgrade it to the Wii U. My PS2 I will keep because I have yet to dive into the games I've never looked at. But my Xbox, oh boy my Xbox, I only have 5 games on my Xbox, 3 of them are all 3 Mass Effects, 1 is Skyrim, but wait, I can sell Skyrim and get that for the PC version with mods and other cool crap and I have Batman. But than again, in the future, there might be more games that are only console exclusive. Please guys, I need your help with this big decision.
oh god whats wrong with his head in the 2nd pic?
Sadly yes......its unfortunate
Of course Disgaea 5 will come out, I can't ever see NIS ever betraying their fans. This does seem like exciting news though :D