Eventus leaned backwards, pulling off a matrix move, and avoided the magic, he came right back up and shot a stream of fire directly at Xiam.
Mark facepalmed, "my name isn't Make, it is Mark, M A R K, Got it memorized?" he said in frustration, gesturing to his head with his finger on the word "memorized."
Eventus stood up, and spotted Xiam, and without thinking charged at her, his keyblade raised for a quick slash to the throat.
Mark shook his head, "and I'm proud to be one too!" he shouted to Kaden's face, "anyone who supports those tyrants should think twice about what they are doing!"
Eventus used his military training to make his stomach hard, causing less pain and damage from the punch, then he proceeded to blast a ball of fire in Toxober's face.
Eventus was jerked out of the way of Toxober's blow as the ship's gravity changed, from being pulled towards the darkness, "Phisoxa, what the hell are you doing?!" he shouted.
Eventus climbed to his feet, "Phisoxa, remain calm, I don't know much about the X-blade, but I can feel that you are using it's power, I don't want anyone on the ship getting hurt because of it," he said, before rushing Toxober with his keyblade again.
Kouri ran out towards the water, following the serpent. When she reached the water, she used her powers to freeze a path for her to ice skate on, and moved closer to the clashing titans.
Eventus recovered from the kick, and brought the Keyblade up in an upper slash along Toxober's front, "die!" he shouted angrily.
Mark grinned, "and... back up to three!" he said triumphantly, as he prepared himself for combat. Hwaje growled, Mya, the humans are bounty hunters, they wish to do something to all of us, he telepathed to Mya alone.
Mark looked back at John, "or maybe two dragons and riders," he said, and turned back to Kaden and Rain, "but we still have dragons, you don't, at least, not here yet," he said. Hwaje growled and stepped up to Mark's side, dark one near, but other dragon gone, he telepathicaly communicated to only Mark, John, and Vento.
Mark stood his ground, "not a chance, Hwaje says you're bad news, and I think that two lone riders, no matter how powerful, can't take on three riders, and dragons," he said.
OOC: they are in a base, far away from where Mya was, realy far away.
Eventus ran at Toxober again, this time wary of the defence that had knocked him down last time, he jumped up to the celling, then dived, keyblade first, towards Toxober.
ouch, why did you get it?
Lol, I'm only six days away from getting out of school, so close, yet soooo far :(
The title Explains it all: Chuck Norris VS Kingdom Hearts
no, just a story for Creativity corner.
OOC: Nah, Furtim and Trent just have things that are more important to talk about. BIC: Furtim looked at Church, "should we do something with him?" he asked Trent. Neco put more dark energy into Josh, "tell me now, or else I leave you as a brainless shadow," he said calmly.
writing a new story for this site