"huh?" Anna asked *Erin noded then went to finde Anna*
*Anna noded*
"you sure?"
"I guess" he said
"sompting wrong?"
"train then fight Corin..." he said
"vechtebulls and stuff like that"
"what the?" Haroku asked standing up ooc: Ark and Haroku are both Farwords. they look like fairys but they have pointed wings, they are our size and they are much stronger faster and grasfull
*it then swichedthe a memory where Erinm was laying on the ground* *a man kicked him* "now do you know why we are doing this to you?" the man asked "because I am a monster" Erin said "good and why have we let you live this long?" the man asked "so I may do your biding" Erin anserd "good boy" the man said the took a dager and cut Erin's face on the cheack...deep enuth to hurt like crazy but light enuth to not leave a scar
"farmer..." Erin said ooc: :(:(:(:(:(
"yeah" he said
*Erin led him to Haroku's cell first*
*it showed them bringing in prisoners and when Erin refued to kill them they would beet him unconches* *it finaly showed Erin killing the peolpe one right after anouther*
*christopher got dif clothes died his hair and now he looks like this* http://s194.photobucket.com/mediade...nimeboy.jpg&searchTerm=anime boy&pageOffset=1
"ok" Anna said walking outside
*Christopher cut his hair short then ran to the house*
*Bj led the way*
*seans of of younger Erin started to apear in ZC's head. if ZC didn't let go he was going to see anouther memory*
"my name is not Erin...I'm Christopher and I am cuting my hair and then I plan to die it blond"
*he laughed*