"It usually comes around every once in a while....it'll come eventually." Cassandra took a seat in the compartment.
Namine stayed behind Kadaj, playing with her necklace nervously.
"Hello. You're that kid that couldn't help me with directions, right?" Cassandra grinned. "And I don't know who you are..." she said, looking at Lauren curiously.
Hayner shrugged. "Okay." Olette whacked him over the head. "Of course you can come with us." she told Larxene cheerfully. "After all, Roxas probably wants to hang out with all of his friends." OOC: No problem.
OOC: ...dang. Maybe I should go switch seats for a little bit. :P Cassandra grinned. "I'll come back in a couple minutes....I just wanna see if I can find anyone else I know." She took off out of the compartment and casually walked past other compartments, hoping to see someone she knew. OOC: Oh, and sanctuary, your wand comment made me LOL really hard. ^^
OOC: LOL...Cade should get off his lazy but and go sit with Cass. :P
Cassandra nodded. "Can I sit with you?" she asked Jude.
Cassandra gave her mom a hug goodbye before lugging her trunk onto the train and looking for a compartment.
Cassandra impatiently waited for the barrier to open. "Come on..." After all the stories that she'd heard from her mother about Hogwarts, she was eager to go. Seeing someone go through it, she followed, her mother right behind her.
"I know...I got lost trying to figure out which stores I was going to."
She shook his hand and grinned. "Just call me Cass."
"It's fine. I'm Cassandra."
Bored, Cassandra walked downstairs looking for someone to talk to (after changing out of her dress robes, of course).
OOC: ...meh, shopping is boring. *speeds up time* Cassandra grinned, modeling the dress robes that her mother had got her in the mirror. The kitten she had bought lay on the floor, batting at a small toy on the floor.
Cassandra walked out of one of the stores, now lugging around a set of robes. 'At least Mom took half of the list...' she thought, relieved.
Good idea. ^^
Cassandra noticed Bellatrix, who looked like she had everything bought and sighed, thinking of how much she still had to get.
OOC: LOL...well, I still have to go shopping. :P Cassandra sighed. "I'll see you later, okay?" She hurried out the door and looked for a robe shop of some sort.
"It's fine...if your cat does that to me again though...." Cassandra rolled her eyes.
"...your cat is evil." Cassandra muttered, looking at her scratched up jeans.