Gwyxn giggled. "Come on, you don't remember me? That's just sad, Aly." She pouted.
Gwyxn took the moment to appear behind Aly and tapped her on the shoulder.
Gwyxn grinned as she watched the two wander around the Castle. She decided to check up on Aly since her companion was already taking care of the boy.
Name: Gwyxn Age: 15 Race: Nobody Power: Empathy Other: Despite being a nobody, she covers being one up pretty well by her actions.
The trio immediatly began on their ice cream. Hoping Roxas wouldn't kill her later, she said, "He's staying at Roxas' right now while his house gets fixed up. Right, Demyx?"
Banned for having Bleach in your signature. :P
Cassandra nodded. "It's not that bad. So, Mr. Can't Read Directions...." OOC: I'm going to bed. Nite, y'all. ^^
Cassandra rolled her eyes, but ate the chocolate.
Cassandra smiled. "Of course it's's chocolate." OOC: Nite. ^^
Olette grabbed the ice cream from Roxas, and watched as he finished handing it out. Kairi almost burst out laughing as she watched Demyx scramble to make up something.
"Hey, Slytherin isn't that bad..." She thought for a second. "...okay, maybe it is."
OOC: *shrug*, Mikey-chan, lol.... :P Cassandra yawned. "What house do you guys think you'll be sorted into?" she asked curiously.
Cassandra stopped opening the package for a second. "...I hope not. It's probably just a charm or something."
Kairi sat back, watching the two talk. Olette smiled as she watched Roxas pull Larxene along. They were definately a cute couple...if they did even like each other, that is.
"I'll take a Chocolate Frog too." Cassandra quickly paid the woman.
...I actually like that. Shall we start? ^^
OOC: Dammit, Gatekeeper, now I keep almost typing 'Rayce' everytime I talk about your guy! :P Cassandra's kitten climbed out of her bag, looking at Hintaro's cat curiously.
Hayner rubbed his head. " hit hard for a girl, Olette." Pence laughed at the two of them while fiddling with his camera.
"What, are you some spell whiz or something and you're bored with me?" Cassandra spoke in a teasing tone to Cade. She turned to Hintaro. "'re that kid with the evil cat, right? Yeah, there's some room."
"...nope. I've seen my mom do plenty of them, but she usually does nonverbal spells and stuff."