Gwyn quietly told Encalla, "Stay here." She snuck out of the secret passage, hoping to help her father out. Gwyn's father sighed and opened the door after making sure Encalla was hidden well.
"Hide in there." Gwyn's father shoved Encalla in the secret passage, along with Gwyn. "Who is it?" he asked nervously.
Cassandra looked at the castle in awe.
Kairi thought for a moment. "I might have seen it. Did you used to live in Radiant Garden too?"
"I just did some world hopping...I stayed in Twilight Town for a couple of weeks, Radiant Gardens...but I needed to come back. It wasn't the same as being home."
Gwyn cut through an alleyway and led Encalla into the bookstore. "Father, I brought a guest. She needs somewhere to stay for the night." Her father's eyes widened. "The whole town is looking for your guest." He motioned to Encalla. "Come need somewhere to hid. Gwyn, lock the doors."
"You might want to get that fixed up." Gwyn focused, and lowered Natalie's feeling of pain. "Did that help?"
OOC: ... *blink* Namine flopped onto her bed after he walked away and sighed, still holding her necklace.
Olette smiled. "See, I told you you'd like it." Kairi just watched the conversation tiredly. She wasn't in much of a mood to argue with anyone about anything.
Cassandra got on one of the boats at random.
Gwyxn opened the door curiously. "Ello?"
"Alright. Thanks for everything." As she said that, she touched the necklace hanging around her neck.
"Okay." Namine's heart skipped a beat, and she beamed.
"No, not that I know of..." OOC: LOL...
Gwyn felt an extreme overwhelming feeling of confusion coming from the castle. "I...I have to go." Gwyn ran off, and when she was sure that he wasn't looking, she portaled outside to the room Natalie was in.
Namine smiled, trying to will herself not to blush again.
"We'd better get you to my place before you get followed." Gwyn cheerfully dragging Encalla in the direction of her home.
Cassandra got out, her kitten now peeking curiously out of her bag. She followed the voice saying, "All first years this way!"
Gwyxn looked around for a second to make sure she wasn't being watch, then muttered, "There's a man in red looking for you. An inn might not be the best place to stay." Her father was going to kill her for this... "You can stay at my place for the night if you want."
Gwyxn teasingly said, "Well, you'll probably see weirder."