OOC: Welp...sadly, you're getting racked with complaints, dude.
OOC: And be able to pick our houses...or at least fight with the hat over our houses. :P
'Tis fine. ^^ Hmm...I'll take Demyx...but I've never RPed as him before, so I might not do it super well. ^^; (Unless anyone else wants him. I'll jsut take him if no one else wants him. :) )
Olette watched in silence, a little put off by Roxas' glimmering black eyes. What exactly had happened on the Islands?
Olette, slightly surprised at the anger in Roxas' eyes, asked, "Is it Sora?" She understood that the two were connected somehow, so it was possible he was talking about Sora.
Hayner looked at Roxas oddly. "Roxas? Dude, you okay? You look like I do when I see Seifer."
Namine smiled softly as the two of them walked. It was nice being somewhere other than the mansion, where she kept getting lost over and over again.
Gwyn bid Encalla goodbye before heading off. Noticing the robed man from earlier talking to someone, she stopped, hiding in the shadows and watching.
"Why? I'm not scared of anything that'll happen." Gwyxn told her. "If you really want me gone, I'll leave you alone though. Holler if you need anything, Nat." She disappeared into the darkness.
Gwyxn looked at the girl oddly for a second, wondering what she'd seen that had scared her so much.
OOC: I think you missed that. 'Tis fine. Gwyxn withdrew her hand quickly. "Whoa. Are you okay?"
"You sparked my curiousity. Plus, I was the one who hid you, so I wanted to see where you were headed."
Kairi shook her head as they walked off. "I hope they don't kill each other." she muttered.
"...yeah, I know."
"Nice to meet you, Natalie. Gwyxn at your service!" She grinned, shaking the girl's hand.
Gwyn grinned sheepishly. "...you saw me?"
"See?" Gwyxn put a hand on Natalie's shoulder. "I never got your name."
Cassandra flopped onto her bed tiredly. She'd been hoping for Ravenclaw, but hey; at least she wasn't in Gryffindor.
Gwyn quietly followed Encalla, curious as heck.
OOC: Meh, I can live with Hufflepuff.