OOC: ...crap, I missed a lot. :/ Cassandra sighed as she attempted to track down a compartment, the small black kitten she'd gotten in Diagon Alley right behind her.
OOC: No problem. 'Tis fine. ^^ "Or thirteen." Gwyxn joked, remembering the other Organization they were spying on later. She looked over at Xin curiously "So, you said you had a bad feeling about something?" She was used to the members having bad feelings or deja vu sort of moments, but neither Xin, Xadyn, or her had any in a long while. Gwyn was actually surprised she was up this early, but her odd insomnia had been keeping her up late and waking her up early.
Gwyxn sighed and changed her destination from her room to where Odd was. "Whatcha need now, Odd?"
OOC: ...oh course I always end up having to leave when things get interesting. I'll see you guys tomorrow. ^^
Demyx watched Axel curiously. He'd never seen the redhead speak first, let alone speak without some sort of sarcastic comment. Gwyxn rolled over in bed, looking up at the ceiling, before leaning over and looking back at the clock. It was still late at night, she was anxious about checking out the other Organization and her insomnia she'd been having for the past few days hadn't helped at all.
Can I be Namine?
Demyx surpressed a yawn, boredly waiting for Xemnas to continue speaking.
Cassandra walked out of Ollivanders with her brand new wand lying in her hand. Smiling, she stuffed it in her bag, before heading off to look for a pet. 'At least Mom agreed to get the boring stuff.'
OOC: ...I actually don't think we have a Vexen. :/
Finally spotting Ollivanders, Cassandra cut quickly through the crowd, slamming into a boy in the process. "Sorry about that!" she quickly told him before taking off into Ollivanders.
Slightly surprised by Namine's bravery, she glared at Xeonheart's heartless. "You don't scare me. Sora and Riku beat you once, and we can do it again." she said confidently, despite feeling extreme worry.
Demyx boredly leaned in his chair, waiting for Xemnas to start talking. The long meetings the members had were usually not that exciting, aside from the interesting disputes every once in a while. Gwyxn rolled her eyes at the door, but replied, "Got it. I'll try not to draw any attention to myself."
Kairi shut her eyes in pain as a blurred vision of Sora talking to Roxas ran through her head. OOC: *sigh* I've gotta go for a little bit, guys.
Looks interesting. ^^ Name: Gwyn Age: 15 Gender: Female Type: Angel Appearance: Long blonde hair, grey eyes, fair skin, is wearing a lacy red tank top and black pants; has slightly small white wings on her back. Other: As an angel, she is able to fly, but she's not so good at it yet. ^^;
Kairi bit her lip nervously as she looked at the Heartless. 'I wish Sora and Roxas were here...' Of course, she knew that the blonde and the brunette were probably duking it out in Twilight Town, but at least she would feel more protected if one of them was there.
Demyx was sitting in his room, tuning his guitar. 'I wonder what all this is about a new Organization...' he thought nervously. Come to think of it, other than the few things he had heard from other members, no one had filled him in on much of the situation. OOC: ...I hope that didn't suck royally. :/
OOC: Ah, this is where the re-attempt is. Took me a while to find it. ^^; "Mom needs to give me better directions..." Cassandra sighed as she walked out of one of the stores, robes stashed in a bag and grey eyes glimmering with exhustion. "Ollivanders..." Shoving her dark blonde hair out of her eyes, she scanned the street, looking for the wand store. OOC: ...I can just jump in, right?
OOC: Heh...sorry I disappeared. I have some relatives over. :/ Gwyn looked over at the door, grey eyes glimmering with interest. Things had been really boring around the castle lately, and it would give her something to do....it was obvious what her answer would be. "Sounds absolutely bubbly. I'll come with you two. What time do we leave tomorrow?" she called to Xadyn.
Kairi blinked, focusing on the light. Wondering if she could summon the keyblade to attempt to defend the group, she told Namine, "I guess try and protect Zarix to the best of our ability."
Gwyxn sat in her room, looking at the wall. She was bored out of her mind; ever since she'd come to the castle after becoming a nobody, nothing really exciting had happened. Except for the other Organization. She'd only heard snatches of information about them, but they had sparked her curiousity.