If I ever met a KH character in real life I would immediately just die of shock... simple as that.
I think Axel seemed to have the most heart. The way he acts when it comes to Roxas seems rather heartfelt. And I know Roxas and Namine also seem to have a lot of emotion but personally I think they really do have hearts. My reason for that is because Sora and Kairi are still in existence and still have hearts. The rest of the Organization do not have their previous selves and therefore they cant show emotion.
First I had a computer that I watched movies on, then a TV, then the computer came back, then the TV again, and now I have nothing ;_;
I hated every moment of the Gummi Missions. They were way too stressful and not even worth it. I did have fun floating along on the World Map though :3
You definitely do have an L-ish look about you Madi. Awesome job! The dog ears are cute as well ^_^
I lol when looking at it as well xD Now I feel spiffy for having a thread about me.
Oh my gosh.... what was WRONG with him?!
Wow you look like an actor/model the way you're working that light xD Looks awesome.
Sweet, that sounds soo cool ^_^
O.O That's one crazy cycle Misty xD I usually just alternate between the spam zone and a few other forum topics.
Even though all the Japanese writing confuses me it still looks way cool. I got that a year ago. It may not be necessarily new but it's still awesome.
<< >> *guilty*
I am usually iffy on the basic outline (especially hands). I love doing detail work though ^_^
My computer has a camera and mic built in. But I don't really see how one would work well without the other.
Yea, I kinda wish there were more guidelines for it though. Usually I'm told what to draw and then I have a better idea of what to do and it comes out great. Otherwise my work is just blah.
>.< I tried to start my drawing for the contest this afternoon but failed horribly. I was totally lacking inspiration... and skill.
My bad, I wasn't familiar with what this Katamari thing was. I googled it and I think I get it now.
I'm lost, what's wrong with it? =/
History.... it's just something I cant grasp =/
Name: NobodiesShadowX Pic: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x41/NobodiesShadow/IMG_0059.jpg Caption: I need more affection than you know <3