Oh no! Uncharged or just broke?
What's wrong with your camera? =/
Sure why not! <3 =D
No more than you think I do << >>
I think it would be hard to picture nobodies of Donald and Goofy since they are animals, even if they're personified. But someone like Harry Potter would be great. Personality-wise he would be emotionless. But since he is already a wizard, and then you add Nobody on top of that, he would be pretty much amazing xD
I'm good, but rather cold. *shivers* stupid spastic weather >.<
xD I made eighth, now I feel spiffy, lol Hi everyone!
Favorites: Dearly Beloved, Kairi Theme, Roxas Theme, Destiny Island, One Winged Angel. Not So Favorites: I didn't really find any of the music intolerable.
I'd be a Jack Russell Terrier, very territorial. (Also the breed of my first dog)
I doubt it would work out. I don't see either as one to back down.
Only three seconds yet still amazingly exciting, I just cannot wait!
This is kind of fun, I hope the site is legitimate. I have 110 right now but I only just started.
Usually I only get to listen to music on the bus and on the computer. But my morning alarm is a radio so I suppose that counts as well.
Wow, I've got to catch up on these. You come out with them really fast, but they're just so awesome!
Hiya ppl ^_^
Thanks xD Usually if I don't like a picture it means there really is something wrong with it.
I saw the number earlier as well xD
I took some pics on my computer yesterday afternoon. This one came out kinda good :P
I agree, they did an amazing job on Ryuk. He is one of the reasons I like the movie so much.