So true, I bet it was because of some sort of jealousy, haha.
Hmmm, interesting. Lovely song you've got there xD
I know what you mean, the sex scenes were by far too many in number. It makes me wonder what honest town has that many teens sneaking around and getting it on like that xD I saw it with a few of my friends last month. Thankfully we don't get skieved by such things, 'twas awesome.
1. Cavemen - A show based off a lame car insurance commercial, right... 2. Maury - The most stupid 'talk show' I've ever laid eyes on. 3. Dora the Explorer - No, just no >.< 4. last two seasons of The O.C. - I loved this series in the beginning but after the first two seasons it slowly started turning into a prime-time soap opera. 5. any sort of Sports TV - I find sports boring to watch in person, why would I want them on my television?
The furthest I've ever gotten was level 35. But I still have a file of it saved, just in case I get really bored like you were during that summer.
My first PM was from some random member who who wanted me to join some other random forum :P
Ack, I gotta go move my bed and then sleep in it. G'night XP
Minus the hair, your L impersonations are spot-on. Nice job =D
Nightnight! *waves buh-bye*
phew, I thought the house was about to be a-rockin' ^_^
Congrats on your amazingness CtR!
Uh-oh, looks like some ones in trouuuuble *hides*
Good luck big brother, I feel for ya.
Whenever I see that sig I go: O.o *irk*
Identifying Bone, Cartilage, and Epithelial tissue cells is the most boring, which is also science, gross >.<
Janet scares me... and so does that.
This episode was spoiled for me before I even started watching the series. My friend was describing Death Note for me before I started watching it and out of nowhere shouted out: "And L dieeees!!!!" Gee thanks << But it was depressing all the same ;_;
I love 'Be Our Guest' from Beauty and the Beast. We did that movie for our school musical two years ago and that song was the best part of the performance.
Twilight was my school library's featured book this passed week and I missed it. I've been dying to pic it up but now it's gone ;_;
Haha, area of pwnage xD I loved it.