You should go bump some really old thread << xD
I know Cilia is used for locomotion but I can't remember if that's considered and organelle or not =/
I'm relatively good at bio...
My little sister lost the Gameboy Micro my file was saved on ;_; I was still in the Sora part so yea, I suppose that means I'm stuck there.
What position do you lie in? --> I usually go to sleep either flat on my stomach or curled up. What kind of bed do you have, single or double? --> It's a single, but it is also kinda like a bunk bed since it's raised abnormally high off the ground. Mad fun hopping on and off. How many pillows? --> 2 Do you like to lie-in late? --> Not really, once I'm up there is no chance of me going back to sleep. I rarely make it to 10am without waking up. Do you snore? --> No, but my friend tells me I grind my teeth sometimes. BLECK >.< Do you dream? --> Usually yes, I <3 my dreams. Do you wear pyjamas? --> If my pajamas you mean shirt and undergarments, then yes << Do you sleep with teddy bears (you lame-asz)? --> I do have a teddy bear from when I was like two years old, I don't really think much of it, it's just kinda there.
The only part of Xemnas I found difficult when you take over as Riku in order to save Sora. As long as I can get passed that it's cake.
I find Donald and Goofy to be extremely awkward characters as well. If I ever needed sidekicks of my own, I personally would rather not have duck and dog boy by my side.
They all probably do eat, but to show them doing so holds no purpose to the story-line.
It is a computer managed system meant to protect the town from unwanted invaders.
Not sure, I just got here as well. *Looks around* I dunno who else is on though *shrugs*
Fall Out Boy is more of my style, though I do enjoy the occasional MCR song.
I like 'I Hate Everything About You' and 'Home.' I haven't really heard many others but I'm sure I'd like them if I listened to more.
Heh, I knew the 1000th post would come up soon. Go figure I was in school when it happened >.< But either way I still say woot!
Definitely Death Note! There is no way I'll ever be able to catch up in Bleach xp
Did you get into some sort of trouble?
Congrats, it's cool that you beat the game on that level, I dunno if I could ever beat Ansem that early on. Favorite battle moment: Fighting Shadow Sora in Neverland. I found it highly amusing that I beat this one so quickly while it took my friends ages xD Favorite all time moment: Sora: "I'll come back for you, I promis!" Kairi: "I know you will!"
Welcome to kh-v! And I must say I love your username =D Hope you enjoy your time with everyone.
What is that creature in your avi and why is it so gosh darn cute? :3
I get tongue-tied easily, which is so not helpful when trying to hold out a conversations. I usually just sound like a babbling idiot >.< And I know it's not a negative embarrassment, but whenever a teacher calls me out in class to compliment me, my face gets all hot and I wish they would have just kept quiet. For example, I was recognized as best pottery student at my school in our awards ceremony last year (that award is apparently a big deal at my school), then later on that day in History class my teacher was all "Congratulations, where can I see some of your work?" And what do ya know, my face started burning and my tongue got all twisted. *dies*
Hmm, well the type of people that make me mad are: -->Hypocrites -->Posers -->Chronic attention seekers Other than that, the only thing that makes me mad is myself =D