Getting drunk for a class assignment, lol xD Thoughts: That guy is going to kill himself drinking twenty beers on any other normal night.
;_; Just a little depressing... Though I think I may have seen something similar before xD
Black Raspberry! Though I haven't had any in ages, which is depressing ;_;
Heh, It looks like you guys made a full moon xD Way cool.
Beowulf would bore Sephiroth to death. Honestly, the book was so lifeless I cant remember a single thing that happened :P
In the words of Paris Hilton: That's Hot ;D
My high school's motto keeps changing. Three years ago: Work Hard; Help Others Two years ago: We Are All Connected Last year: Rising To New Heights This year: Work Hard; Help Others They really do need to make up their minds.
I wouldn't worry about it, I really do like your pic and I'm sure everyone else who sees it will agree.
No way, it does too look like a girl! The hair reminds me of Namine, and I simply love the detail you put in on the eye. =D
You can never be too old to dress up for Halloween =D But yes, trick-or-treating beyond a certain age is just kinda weird/lame.
Woot, I finally finished my entry for the contest! Though it still feels a little incomplete so Imma hold off on submitting it right now.
Have your domination plans gotten easier now that you are a regular member and can blend in better? =O
Anything to do with Donald and Goofy, wether they be with each other or a different character, really just makes me wonder. What the heck?!
I've always found The Land of Dragons to be a great place to level up. It's got a great cycle starting with that cave near the mountain village, and ending in the emperor's throne room. Then I just go to the world map and start over again.
How have I never seen this before? Arggg... now I feel dumb >.<
I would definitely recommend it (that is if you have a system to play it on). It will give you a much greater understanding of Organization XIII.
Sora wins my heart... plus just about everything else.
I listened to Blink 182 ages before even hearing about MCR, that's where my vote is going.
That was hilarious xD *random hair straitening*