i is alone.
blissey starmie nicknamed black out rhyperior mewtwo metagross alakazam all of them are legit and ev trianed
hello everybody.
joyous statement: oh master,a big creature made of ice has just come through the door,might i kill it for you. yes hk,activate assasian protocols. joyous statement: oh thank you master,and i won't let you down. *activates shield* *pulls out blaster rifle*
*calls me on transmiter* observation: master,the female meatbag is screaming something about a ring she says i have. ring?okay hk,send out the sensor droids and have them scan for the ring. answer: yes master,as you wish. *activates the sensor drones* *sends the drones on seek and retrive mission*
your question fails,cause here i am. why do i feel a disturbance in the force.
observation: oh master,it seem the female meatbag is not sucumming to the nerve gas. really.interesting.very well,inject the room with stronger seditive and if that doesn't work,keep uping the doseage untill she passes out,then bring me the results. answer: very well master,as you wish. *goes off to do mission*
because your really a care bear. why do i feel the need to build a death star and rule the galaxy.
statement: a most unusual meatbag indeed.i can't find why the master would want to keep her alive. *throws emmax into her room and locks the door* query: i wonder if the master would be mad at me if i were to eject the wrong gas into the room and kill her instead. observation: of course if i were to kill her,master would surely have me deactivated and dismantled. *injects a mild knock out gas into room* statement: i guess i should report to master now before he gets mad.
kiss for the girly
*shoots with stun ray* statement: a most annoying meatbag.
larxene can be the stepmother since as you say,is more evil,and is older.
observation: oh master,she is starting to wake up,should i kill her for you? no,just hit her with the stun ray. answer: as you wish master. *shoots emmax with stun ray* *picks her up and takes her to her room*
hug for you,cause i can.
*summons hk-47* query: you summoned me master. yes,take this girl to prison cell block 08,and make sure she is locked up tight.and gas the room with a knock out gas to make sure she stays asleep. observation:master,would it not be easier to just kill her now. no,just do as i tell you. answer: as you wish master. *picks up emmax and carrys her to her room*
hey val,how's it going.
*continues to force choke emmax*
kiss for having a quote from kiba from wolf's rain as there location
*force chokes emmax* give me the ring,NOW.
doesn't know that i am a wolf's rain fan too.