Actually it's quite common to say "abnormal".
Who doesn't?
Yes, it's very abnormal to post in pink.
I'm mostly just German and Spanish.
I suck at Guitar Hero but I still like to play it...even though it kills my fingers somethimes. I can only play it on Easy. lol@me<_>
Traditional Pisces Traits Imaginative and sensitive Compassionate and kind Selfless and unworldly Intuitive and sympathetic On the dark side.... Escapist and idealistic Secretive and vague Weak-willed and easily led LIKES Solitude to dream in Mystery in all its guises Anything discarded to stay discarded The ridiculous like to get 'lost' DISLIKES the obvious being criticized feeling all at sea about something know-it-alls pedantry :/
Lovesong-The Cure
Hello person I don't know. :3
Would eat cookies with me. :3
I'd be like "hay gurl hay" Then get a divorce....>.>
I'd rather drink spoiled milk. D:
I just didn't...I dunno.
Because I didn't. :/
...spoiled milk. I forgot to look on the date of my milk and when I drank some, it was bitter and gross. Remember kids, don't drink spoiled milk. x.o
Eragon This movie is just a plain failure and the dude who played Eragon was a pansy who couldn't act. :/ I could probaly think up more but I'm too lazy and this is the one that first popped up into my head.
Empty Apartments-Yellowcard
My first real game was Spyro the Dragon. I loved that game (even though the creepy blue theif in it scared me at first >.<) and I would play it forever and then I just started to buy more games.
8/10 Pretty. :]
It's out on DVD now, but it was a really stupid movie. I don't even remember if it was out in theaters...perhaps it was in theaters for a week. I dunno. :/