You could always pretend to be a blind person who loves to play some type of game, and pretend to be bad at it. But then you hustle them away from...
"Where are the drinks?" Eve asked. "Did they not have any left?"
Lol, wait you are trying to get a job at the zoo? :O
Okay Eve you have to act like a Manly man, not yourself. I really don't want to drink anything though. Maybe I should have stayed outside. Eve sat down right next to Kurt. Eve couldn't help but notice that Kurt smelled much better than the other men around him. If I want to keep this act up I will have to drink something. Eve looked around for the bar tender.
Sorry man, I had to go for a job interview at the zoo. I hope they call me back.
OOC Awww everyone is here and now I have to go! :( :( :(
I am gonna be leaving soon Leon, so if you want to Rp lets make it quick.
OOC Umm to be truthal with you I am not sure, I am guessing easten Nentrion.
Hello, how is life going on your giant island? lol jk
Nothing is going on. This club fails. You should have made it a faimly or somthing.
You still there?
But you naver came should be But you never came. Nice poem. Anyway very sorry for your loss.
Ouch, that isn't Good. I hope that you figure it out.
Hey Luna! Where have you been?
OOC Goodnight Leon!
OOC Goodnight pezz. I hope you have EPIC
"Come on Kurt the faster we find our information the sooner we can help these people.†Eve said not wanting to focus to much the beggars. All around Eve woman and Men were literally pawing at him. They whispered as if they were ghosts that were about to leave this world. "Come on!†Eve said grabbing Kurt by the arm. Before they new it Eve had gotten them into a bar. There were a few fat rich people, and there were few jobless bums in there too. The old bar looked like it couldn't last even one week without people. There were holes in the roof, and occasional vomit spots on the floor. Eve quickly let go of Kurt’s hand "Sorry.†Eve said with a slight blush. "So where do we start?" Eve asked Kurt.
Okay, that sounds good, I am getting really tired anyway. lol
ZC is fine. *rubs eyes*.