OOC: *Feels dumb, again* *Sigh* why is it I never understand what is going on? "Anybody home?" Eve asked the wierd object.
Hi Nymph!! *hug*. Its been ages since I last heard from you! whats been keeping yah from khvids?
*Sends her soup and love*
OOC is this a portal? If this isn't a straight shoot portal, then we might get separated. I can't let that happen. "Be careful Kurt for all we know that could be a portal." Eve said to Kurt.
"What the heck is that?" Eve asked. "Should we go into it?" Eve asked.
OOC: lol, you said either twice. Whasn't the word unfortunate supposed to be fortunate in your sentance? Is the person who plays Samerie here yet?
The smart thing to do is run, no matter what. How are you being blackmailed again? I didn't catch that.
avatar: 6/10 I personally don't care to much for it. sig 10/10
"Oh okay that makes much more sense" Eve said with a red face. I can't believe I doubted Kurt's sanity. He is smarter than I thought.
lol okay getting right on it.
thank you. gosh I am so tired of typing.
what do you mean the trail seperates? Strangest trail? so confused
Obscure? "Lets just go." Eve said. "You can explain it to me on the way."
I think he has finally lost it! "The strangest trail?" Eve said with confused look on his face.
Where are you?
Smart. ___________
Nuh uh!!!! lol jk Yeah who doesn't have one of those? No first you have to find a big company who will love your crappy singing first.
OOC: Most animals can smell water except for humans. I don't know how that works that other animals except humans can smell water from miles away. http://www.binghamton.edu/calendar/mar-apr/21mar05ask.html
Why am I even on this journey? Eve glanced at Kurt. Oh, yeah. Eve blushed. We should be closing in on her now. "Flame Burst do you smell water yet?" Eve asked Flame Burst.
"Alright."Eve said as he looked at the sky to find the northeast. "Okay lets go." Eve said as he ran towards the northeast.