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  1. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    Marluxia turned his gaze to Larxene and growled. "He tried to drown me! Even flowers die by being drench by too much water! 'Tis suffocation!" The wolfish snarl was aimed towards Larxene, as if promising a slow and painful death. Something she may enjoy, but Marluxia did not care.

    He turned his head towards Axel's cell to add. "Don't think I can't kill you from here," he threatened. 'Twas not an empty one, either.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sessamaru
  3. Sessamaru
    Profile Post

    Sorry o.o *nuzzles*

    Sorry o.o *nuzzles*
    Profile Post by Sessamaru for Jayn, Apr 5, 2009
  4. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    Drenched in water, Marluxia awoke with a start. His mind groggily, the flower-loving Nobody felt like he was drowning. Coughing and growling, the Graceful Assassin stood up, his glacial eyes narrowing into dangerous icey-blue slits. With a snarl, he ran up to the bars turning his head to the direction of Demyx's new cell. "You brat, just wait until we reach the mess hall!" Marluxia howled, his melodic voice tainted with spite.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sessamaru
  6. Sessamaru
  7. Sessamaru
  8. Sessamaru
  9. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    "To research your soul?" Asked the flower-making Nobody, as if hurt. He ignored the threat for what it was, and continued to get to the point. "If you were any wiser, you would understand that if you want to know your enemy, then you must look into your foe's eyes and use whatever you see to your advantage. While you, Axel, just attack head on. Ignorance kills the fool." Marluxia chuckled. And then, laying upon his comfortable bed, fell asleep.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    The pink-haired Nobody exploded into cherry blossoms, several of which were burning. "Seriously, Axel," said a cocky voice from the side, which used to be Demyx's cell. "Did you really think I would come to you in person? As for what you said... Your eyes are a window. You can not hide what you most fear, love, desire, or anything that involved emotion. I saw the gleam, as could anyone else. Not even the masters of disguise, not even Xemnas himself can hide the pleasures or fears. You were, all in all, glad to rid yourself of the nuisance." Marluxia, as he finished, laughed. The petals vanished. "Good night, my red headed friend."
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    "You are so ignorant, Axel. I did not want out of the Organization, I wanted it. As for Vexen... not even you could hide the flames of eagerness to rid us of that one. You have given us, Xemnas and I, an upperhand. We both knew Vexen would betray both sides. He was two-faced, much like you, like me." His hazel-blue eyes eyed the illusionary Axel. "As you look at it, you see everything. You see what is in your 'heart', Axel. Do you fear it? To be exposed? To be weak? I believe so... And Demyx would love to see his model, his friend weak and vulnerable." Marluxia smiled brightly, knowing he was winning. Though Axel was powerful, all fighters had a weakness. Axel's is being exposed and angered. Though, his temper caused a volatile dysfunction, as did his cockiness, Axel was much weaker. Marluxia took note of that. With a wave of his hand, a grand flourish, the illusion bursted into a thousand or more cherry blossoms.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    Marluxia nearly fell over laughing. "Your betrayal against Vexen was well enough, dear Axel!" he howled, holding his gut as he fell into a bow. The Graceful Assassin could hardly contain his mirth, this excitement of battle. "You, Axel, are just as two faced as I! But, in your betrayal, you see justice in your rash and excited actions. Us Nobodies know nothing but betrayal, to say the least, and justice is only defined by what we believe. We may be empty shells, but memories, our memories, are what gives us a faux heart, false feelings in which we can empathize with one another. We are, all in all, the same." Marluxia halted his laughter.

    "Axel, you know naught." The seriousness, the coldness of his tone was empathized by a series of sakuras flying through the cell, forming a pitiful outline alongst the wall of Axel. The shadow of Axel came to life. "Look at yourself and tell me what you see."

    The illusionary Axel wore a pitiful face, filled with a lost hope and a horrid melancholy of what he desired most.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    "It is not dyed!" snarled Marluxia, his glacial eyes staring cooly at the fiery Axel. Ever dangerous and unpredictable, that one. His hair, in whatever light, was either pink or brown... a mix of both, giving it the illusion of either/or. Much like his power...

    Though, agreeing with the answer Axel has given the young woman, he sought so much more. "Be it what you will, Axel, you are easily fooled. Impatient and selfish. Along with other things," he chuckled, releasing one of his arms, to form a simple petal, which floated onto his palm. It pulsated with a luminous pink aura. "Would you certainly want out to be free? Doomed to die at the hands of the Organization, of the wild Heartless, and of the cursed keyblade of legend? No, you desire an order in which you, ever the extremist, ever the opportunist, can be safe and in control. Yes, Axel, I know you all too well."
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    OOC: I'm just trying to find something to do...

    Marluxia stood outside Axel's cell within a heartbeat. Arms crossed, the youth smiled. "Why hello, Axel. How're you today, my fiery friend?" He asked, his musical voice holding an ominous note. His brown hair fluttered slightly as he cocked his head to the side, staring at the spikey-headed nobody.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sessamaru
    Oi, 'tis been a while since I've been here, so here I am. I brought a little something back for those who seek some kind of amusing RP. Not that any of them out there are unamusing... Anyway, to those who're bored and want more to do, here it is.

    Story: Darkness slowly descends upon the land of Resonance, the black hands of Devils scowering the World. The Kingdom of Abel and the the Kingdom of Cain, Kingdoms of Light and Dark, are at war, being guided by the Great Ones, Deities of Legend. Jevos (Pronunciation: "HAY - VOES"), the God of Judgement, guides the defending Kingdom of Abel; while Daemos Khaguri (Note: Daemos is a title to the evil gods; Pronunciation: "DAY-MOSE KAH-GOO-REE") guides the aggressive Kingdom of Cain.

    Darkness, The One Entity, slowly approaches to end, not only the war, but of Time and Humanity itself; A resetting of the Balance, to begin anew.



    1) NO Godmodding (Sometimes called "Godmoding")
    2) No Autoing (Instantaneous hits without a reaction from your opponent; Controlling other players).
    3) Be Fair and Play Kindly With Other Players.
    4) Keep Romance (be it Yaoi, Yuri, or the norm) down to a minimum.
    5) No killing players unless you have their permission.
    6) No God-like Powers/Abilities (Story purposes and... well... because it's just unfair) (This goes with Rules 1 and 2)
    7) This RP is Rated PG-13


    Kingdom of Abel- They have a vast set of races from all over the Void (Universe/Multiverse)

    4 Main Cities- Caegos, Vaelmoer, Telendale, Sylvae

    6 Known Villages- Knucklewood, Ashenvale, Winterspring, Underlain, Gallenghale, Yestermourning

    3 Lakes- Ruby Lake, Saphyr Lake, Emerald Lake

    2 Landlocked Seas- Sea of Tears, Sea of Lost Souls

    1 Capital- Alabaster; The Tower of Virtue

    Kingdom of Cain- Same as Abel.

    2 Main Cities- Helmsdeep, Bladescrossing

    1 River- Serpent's Path

    4 Lakes- Obsidian Lake, Onyx Lake, Opal Lake, Amethyst Lake

    1 Sea- The Great Basin

    2 Capitals- Ghael; Tower of Malice, Maelstrom; Tower of Sin


    Character Sheet:

    Other: (Whatever else you want to note of)



    Username: Sessamaru

    Name: Sessamaru

    Age: Unknown

    Race: Rheu

    Gender: Male

    Kingdom: None

    Weapon: Lumia, The Crystal Blade (Curved longsword; also called a backsword; a crystalline blade made up of magicks, apparently blunt and harmless)

    Purpose: To seek peace

    Personality: He's silly, though, when left alone, he broods and his attitude is full of melancholy (the typical hero-based character). When serious, he phases into another persona, making him seem like a killer... Dual-split personality, if you will. He regrets no damage until the end of the battle, or when snapped out. (There's a variety of ways). More to add- Patronizing, brotherly, friendly, dangerous though caring, and quite daring... even if he complains!

    Power: Aeromancy, Rosemaking, Hyperspeed
    Appearance: Green-eyed albino with a youth's body. Ancient-willed and eternally living, the Forgotten Rheu is an angelic entity whose perfection rivals even the gods. High cheekbones, sharp/angular facial features, athletic/acrobatic build, bum-length hair, pupil-less opalescent eyes of emerald shade. Sessamaru is small, only four-foot-eight and quite slender. Jet lids, lips, and nails follow. Within his back are two ancient wings, broken and tattered. Lips thin, nose narrow and curved, and eyes resembling jaded opals outlined in obsidian rings. Long, pointed ears. Leather leggings and gauntlets of fine ebony, with jet leather boots as high as the knees, both covered with belts and buckles. White cotton shirt. A mahogany belt rests around his hip, holding Lumia in thrall. A cloak of fine green finery. A black scarf of cotton dance about his form, hiding half his face in the large mass. This acts as a torn cape, as well.

    History: (Too long... His story will be explained either in this RP or maybe this RP will be a new chapter into his history...)

    Other: Bleh...

    Thread by: Sessamaru, Apr 2, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    OOC: Jesus Bloody Christ! o.o

    Marluxia walked into the hall of cells, his graceful steps, nearly a gliding motion, guiding him with an awry confidence. His arms were wrapped about themselves, folded across his chest, making the Graceful Assassin seem potent in his slender form. The lone figure, hazel eyes relaxing upon a single cell. Not a person, not a guard touched Marluxia as he passed by. He laid a hand gently onto the cell, the one he had purposefully been eyeing, and opened it, walking right in. The door to Demyx's cell closed. With slow, steady steps, the Graceful Assassin walked towards the bed, sitting upon the harsh thing, leaning back as his hand rested upwards, clenching an unseen orb...

    Until it appeared in a vortex of petals. Sakura petals began to form the small orb, which, by the time the orb was full and the vortex vanished, began to shimmer a faint, rosey pink light. The magnificent power of Marluxia was a unique one, for he had the power to summon, create, and manipulate flowers. Though, harmless by their own, Marluxia can use them as deadly weapons.

    He drew in a breath. Held it. Then Marluxia exhaled with a great calm, blowing the orb away as petals flew everywhere. He smiled, for it was a secret that only he knew.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    He chuckled lightly and shifted his gaze elsewhere... There truly was nothing to do. With nothing better than to walk around, the loner shoved himself forward, toward the door jamb, where, by all means, he took his leave, leaving behind the small, uncomfortable mess hall.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    As the loner felt the eyes upon him, Marluxia shifted his gaze to the woman with a string. He was intrigued, though briefly, as to what she was doing with the string, his hazel, glass-like eyes glittering as his interest began to grow. An odd one, that girl.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    The nobody studied the other two figures with some mild interest, for they seemed somewhat unimportant. Merely a set of pawns in a game of chess... much like the Keyblade War. The knights were falling, the king is cornered... only a matter of time until the Darkness wins. Unless a miracle happened. Marluxia, though, cared not for the war, only that he wanted freedom. He wanted them all to pay for locking him up in a cage like an animal.

    Unknowingly, Marluxia began to develop a plan. What it was, he did not know, but the possibility of leaving this dreadful place was too great for him to ignore. The seed of liberation slowly began to grow as it was settled into the back of his mind...
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sessamaru

    The Escape

    OOC: Oh?

    BIC: Marluxia stood in the vast, dark corner of the cafeteria, nibbling on the lunch's rations. The nobody was a slender young man, wearing the prison garbs and his light brown, nearly pinkish hair was layered accordingly, their slight curls abbreviating his sharp, wolf-like features. His hazel eyes glittered ominously as he studied the small, uncomfortable mess hall.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Apr 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home