Howdy. I haven't posted my drawings here yet, so... '>.> (Cutest thing ever) (Cover Art (in progress) for a flopped TLoZ story of mine) (Concept art of "Sessamaru") (My most evil character in existence...) (A head...)
Karasu fell on his rump at the collision. He was too hungry to be sturdy. The youth looked up from the ground and smiled, though his mask hid it. "Oh," he began. "I'm sorry. I was looking for a place to eat. I haven't eaten in three days, you see." Right on queue, his stomach growled. "See? Anywho, would you mind pointing me into the right direction?" Wearily, he lifted himself from the ground and stared patiently at the girl. Karasu's stomach did not agree with his eyes, however, as it growled again.
Name: Ulrich Age: 17 Appearance: Spoiler Affinity: Earth HUBBLE BUBBLE BOIL AND TROUBLE Spoiler I apologize if I'm intruding...
Accepted. However, if he rarely uses the shield and hardly ever wears the armor, I would suggest taking it out of the Character Sheet since it would just be using up unnecessary space.
Hello and welcome back, debeatmaster. I hope you enjoy your stay here... oh, and don't mind the chair, the chains, and the macabre puzzles I have lying around. They're for decoration... maybe...
Spoiler Name: Karasu Blacksword Age: 19 Gender: Male Country: Erio Faction: Magic Swordsman Types of Spells: Wind, Holy Appearance: 6'2"; slender. Karasu appears as a long whited-haired youth with grey skin and glowing green eyes (which have slitted pupils). He wears a black mask that covers the lower half of his face (covering his nose, down) and it connects to the collar of his black, long-sleeved shirt. He wears black cotton pants and black combat boots, along with elbow-length leather gloves. Over this, he wears a black duster (which appears to be in tatters) and atop his head, he wears an old tattered wizard's hat whose cone is crooked. It's covered in mismatched patches. Face without mask (imagine the grey skin and glowing green eyes) Personality: Unlike the norm, Karasu appears to be courteous and polite. Outwardly, the youth tends to be lazy, clumsy, and even goofy. On the inside, he feels cold and empty... ultimately, he's lonely. Despite his true emotions, he tries his best to help people and to be there for them (though he will admit he hates them all for isolating him due to his birth defect). Karasu doesn't want to be like everyone else, who pick and choose who to help and whether or not to manipulate those he helps. He dislikes people who use others and throws them away, he dislikes people murdering out of rage or simple joy (in fact, he does not like murderers, no matter the purpose), and he ultimately dislikes killing (though he will if he ABSOLUTELY has to). Karasu, nevertheless, is genuine in his courtesy and tends to assisting those who truly need it, making him a generous sort of person. To this end, he often doesn't eat and drink for days because he cares more about the well-being of others than himself. Not to say that he isn't unhealthy. For when he does eat, he eats enough to feed a family of six. Despite his two opposing feelings of conscious philanthropy and subconscious misanthropy, Karasu is prone to some mischief for the sake of his own amusement. This gives him an edge in fighting, too, for it shows he is capable of improvising. Weapon(s): Katana Bio: Karasu was born with a mutation caused by prenatal magical exposure while he was still within the womb of his mother. His father, a white mage, witnessed the child dying due to being underdeveloped during the incubating process. He attempted, for the sake of his wife and the son's future mother, magical augmentation. This exposure gave Karasu his grey skin, the abnormal white hair, and those alien eyes. After being born, the mother died due to a strange illness (though it was thought, and still theorized, to have been an infection after the child was out of the womb). Born motherless and having a father who was repulsed at the sight of his strange son, Karasu was an outcast amongst the people of Erios. At a young age, Karasu had a natural talent for magic; especially Wind magic. However, no one was willing to teach him. Nevertheless, Karasu was a mischievous sort. He would often play pranks to be noticed, and even desired to be accepted for his sense of humor. However, this just made people ignore him more while his own father, ashamed to have spawned such a "creature", verbally abused him. The words stung Karasu, making him hurt more to not even gain the love of his own father... his only family. As this continued, Karasu was banished from his own house. He was twelve at the time. Karasu, abandoned and disowned by his own father, decided to leave his little town in search for acceptance. It didn't take Karasu long to succumb to thirst and hunger as he was far away from the nearest town, deep within a wooded landscape. To his own luck, however, a lone man (out hunting) found him. He was a gruff old man, burly and stout, whose eyes gleamed with dislike for anyone in general. Karasu felt happy at that look, for it was a look of equality amongst others. However, the cynical old man wasn't cruel. The man had a heart and he had taken the young lad in. There, Karasu ate and drank and slept... granted, he slept on the cold floor of a small wooden cottage. The next day, Karasu awoke at the gruff voice of the old man. "Wake up, ye brat," the man demanded. "Either ye get yerself movin' or work fer yer lodgin'." He threw a broom at the boy. Karasu, not wanting to be alone, chose to stay and work (much to the old man's surprise). Karasu worked for the old man for a year, and the old man got fed up with the youth's presence. "I want ye out of me home. So prepare fer tomorrow, I'm gonna teach ye how to fend fer yerself." And so he did. To Karasu's surprise, the old man was once a soldier... or, more precisely, a magical swordsman of the Erio military. The retired old man trained Karasu to the point he couldn't move, and even mentally pushed the lad to ignore the body's pain. Karasu wasn't very adept at many forms of magic, so he excelled greatly in Wind and, to his surprise, Holy. However, his training in magic was primarily offense-defense based, while support was only secondary. Due to this, he had mild healing ability but was capable enough to fend off almost anyone. His physical capability of fighting, however, Two years after the training the old man fell ill and Karasu tended to his master. Despite his training in the arts of Holy magic, he was unable to save the elderly old man from his inevitable doom. Before he died, however, the old man gave Karasu the katana that was within his own personal cache of weapons. It was Karasu's favorite, and the old man called it a "pansy's sword, at best." Karasu wept the hours away at the old man's death. For the next year, he trained and lived in the lodge, often visiting the old man's grave. When he was seventeen, Karasu reluctantly left the cottage and ventured away, traveling Erio for its sights and to find work. More often than not, he worked as a handyman. There were some occasions where he got work as a bodyguard, and very rarely did he ever fight. Even more rarely did he kill, and often got more money from bounty-hunting (sometimes during another job). In the end, he had money to eat, to give, and to buy a new set of clothes. But this was only the beginning of his adventure. Other: Karasu is "Raven" in Japanese. Karasu deeply cares for his katana, and tends to it often. Karasu wandered around Erio's capital, back hunched and himself trudging. His eyes drooped in misery and his grey skin paled. This youth, only nineteen years, was tall and slender, wearing the most outlandish clothes. It began with a mask that covered the lower-half of his face, which was connected to his black shirt. He wore black pants and black leathern boots and gloves, a long black duster, and a black wizard's hat whose cone was incredibly crooked. It was an old hat, too, for it was dirty and had many multi-colored patches. At his right hip, there was a katana which rested in a black scabbard. However, what made him more alien was his grey skin, glowing green eyes with slitted pupils, and his long white hair. He appeared dangerous. A sound filled the air, like a dying turtle. It was abnormally loud, and if anyone bothered to turn and look for the sound's source, they would find that it was Karasu Blacksword. Or, more specifically, it was his stomach. "Uuuuuugh..." he groaned, moving zombie-like from his hunger. "I need fooooooood... no more orphans..." Karasu whined, looking for the nearest restaurant. "A diner would be nice... or a simple cafe will do..." he continued miserably. The swordsman stopped and looked around. The gears in his hunger-filled head began to turn. Finally, he noticed something peculiar. "I'm lost!" He cried out. (OOC: Thank you for letting me in, Nobody)
lol, I'm sure I know the proper etiquette. But I may skim through it, just in case there are a few rules I don't know. Anywho, thank you ^^ Thank you ^^ Thank you (and I will enjoy my stay... and I may follow the rules '>.>). You should probably head back on over there, then :P Oh, a fellow Tim Curry fan! I can just imagine Dr. Frankenfurter's voice when I read your posts. Strangely, I can also imagine you as either a Darkness chibi or a Frankenfurter chibi... both of which would be awesome and cuddly. (This says way too much about my personality...) Anywho, thanks ^^ lol, thanks. Also... ditto. Indeed it is. My older forum is dying on me, sadly, so... yay! I moved back home! (Like I said to everyone else, and with much ingenuity as I can muster...) Thanks ^^ Sessamaru is my original name :P Anywho, thanks ^^ OMIGAWSH! It's wittle Chev! You were one of the most awesome people I got to RP with ^^ Also, please don't talk to me like I'm a stranger! It breaks my heart. But, yeah, I'll take your word for it. Thanks ^^ Yes, I was honestly dissing the RP Section itself and not the all perfect, beautiful, and epically awesome/legendary me... '>.> lol, joking aside, thank you very much. As for the "Sessamaru" familiarity... it could either be: A) You met me before, perhaps on some other forum or game; or B) You could be thinking of "Sesshoumaru" from Inuyasha or various other usernames of the same, nearly identical spelling... which, I will have to argue, I came up with "Sessamaru" before I watched Inuyasha while I was just starting 6th grade, in my room, playing around with various spellings/phonetics... I wanted to make a comic book '>.>
So rare and strange I am. I'm like manuscript from back in the ancient days. Thank you for your welcome. The forum's format has certainly changed a lot. But, it looks nicer and cleaner than it did, so I'm happy with it. Thank you for the advice, and I'm quite proud of Jayn for making it to moderator. When I was here, she was still just a lowly member like me :P Interesting note, she and I are RPing buddies. In fact, she's trying to join my RP . Anywho, thank you ^^
Running Up That Hill by Within Temptation (cover)
Au Revoir by Malice Mizer
Thank you, Korosu ^^ I'm sure the few friends I have there are happy to have me back, otherwise, the rest of them there don't know me... ah well, hopefully my presence there will make them shape up :P Oh, I will post in the other places, too. The Graphic Art section and the creativity area will probably be my favorite places... or second, compared to the Roleplaying section. And yes. I like Sephiroth, considering he was my original source of inspiration. The only negative thing about him is that there's very little depth to him (overall) :( Thank you. And I'm glad you think so about the RP section, now I don't feel as nerdy :P
Howdy, folks. First of all, I could've sworn I already did one of these. Secondly, for those who know me, I'm back. I'm Sessamaru (you can just call me Sess for short). I joined here in May of 2008, and I spent most of my time in the Roleplay section. Yes, yes, I'm lame '>.> I originally came to these forums while trying to make a KH amv. Turned out the forums was awesome and cool, so I stayed. I rarely ventured outside of the roleplaying area, however... ah well. I'll try and be more diverse this time around. Well, this is my hello. Dunno what else to say. Again, it's a pleasure being here.
Ah, I see. Alright, I'll go around in a bit. Also, thank you for fixing the personality thing. As for weapons... anything but guns, preferably. Just keep the weaponry somewhere between medieval and feudal, and I'll be happy. (Reason being is because I've been in RPs with guns before and I find the quite irritating).
Surprised? :P Thank you. I'm glad to be back. That's good. As for me? Same thing.
Hey mate, what's up? Long time, no see.
Howdy '>.>
Could you please elaborate on her personality? Just "passive" seems to make her 1-dimensional. (Just asking this makes me afraid that people will just say "screw this" and not join x.x) As for equipment... yes, I do mean weapons, armor, and accessories.
((...Read spoiler for optional details...)) Spoiler Howdy, folks and welcome to the OOC of "The Eternal Quest". Some of you may know me (or simply remember me), others may not and may scoff at this... backwater idea (as well as my intrusion). It's been a while, and before I even begin with anything concerning this RP, I will reintroduce myself. I'm Sessamaru and I travel the interwebs for a place to stay. I stayed here for a few months before I moved on to some other place (which felt more familiar to me than here). I apologize to all my friends (if they're still here) for leaving without saying anything. I have returned here with some goodies. In my interwebs travel, I have found enlightenment (even through some hardships) and I have returned with such knowledge that those who enjoy writing will surely find this gift useful and give them a greater sense of depth and pride. However, this gift is optional. But, I'm getting off topic here... I have returned in search of a new home. A place where I will not get bored and will often speak to others when no others are around to speak to. Nevertheless, I apologize for this weird syntax and this will be the first and perhaps only time you all will read my message in such a weird, formal way... unless I am wanting to be sarcastic and playful in the OOC. Enjoy the RP ^^" Synopsis It all began centuries ago, when the nations of Gaeus fell into disgrace. The eight nations fought amongst themselves for resources and land, to gain power over one another. They all converged, causing a schism amongst their peoples. These people, in the midst of war, fought against their government. Due to the war, due to the vexation of the people, the world was thrown into chaos for the second time... the first was at the birth of Man. The people had learned from a passing Sage the Forbidden Arts. Because of the Forbidden Arts, the world was thrown into chaos, causing many to go insane and many others to start their own smaller nations. In the end, it was the first Cataclysm to befall the people of Gaeus. The dead walked, men and women and children weep and laughed, and many others were suffering from plagues... never allowed to die. This era of pain and misery was pulled to a halt when eight wise scientists, one from each country, found the solution for peace. Those who knew the Forbidden Arts were housed in prisons and asylums. Those who suffered by the forsaken magic were placed in hospitals and asylums. And those who were oppressed and afraid were given homes. However, their methods were never recorded, for Man was thrown into a Dark Age; the scientists had lived in seclusion far beneath Gaeus's surface. In the end, these scientists, men of both the Arcane Arts and Technology, had brought unto the people a new peace. As the darkness receded, the golden sun arose for the people under their gaze. In hopes to hold back the darkness, the scientists had created a school, not only for education... but to exercise martial control. This school exists upon the Crossroads of the eight nations. It was named SIGMA ((Scientific Institute of Guardianship through Mastery of Weaponry And Arcane Arts)) by the BSD ((Bureau of Scientific Development)), the organization formed by the eight scientists. As of now, the school exists as a mercenary company created by the BSD, Gaeus's new government, to keep the world in place and to disrupt anything that threatens the peace. Despite the BSD's grip on the world, it is not strong enough to control the will of others... or those that are savage. ************* As it goes, this RP has no definite story... yet. The reason is, is because that is how I designed it. I'm tired of mapping things out and rail-roading players. So, I'm going old school. Have people start from scratch. As it appears, you're all going to school... with special privileges. I'll be generous and spoil you with my intentions. You're all still taking classes, but you already know a decent amount to fend for yourselves. So, you'll be given missions. These missions can lead to one thing or another, or just be straight forward, depending on my mood. The story is entirely up to you, though. You don't have to go straight to the mission and you can all banter amongst yourselves (so long as some progress through the mission is made). When I grow bored, or feel as if you're all experienced enough, I may or may not throw an actual, important story-event your way. Ironically, everything you do in this RP reflects the story's outcome. Then again, I might have lied. Maybe there is a story. We can never be too sure. Nevertheless, each mission has its own story-branch that may or may not intertwine with the primary story. So, altogether, it's a collection of stories. I guess it's the equivalent to an anime in that regard. Funny... I always see this idea as an anime or manga. Nevertheless, I spoiled you all a bit too much. Now... onward to useful information. ************* Base Magic Pyromancy: Fire magic. This element symbolizes power and passion. Pyromancy is commonly used for weapon augmentation and mid-range combat. Fire spells are weak against aquamancy, strong against aeromancy, and nulled by geomancy. Aquamancy: Water magic. This element symbolizes serenity and flexibility. Aquamancy is commonly used for healing and area-attacks. It is weak against geomancy, strong against pyromancy, and nulled by aeromancy. Geomancy: Earth magic. This element symbolizes strength and protection. It is commonly used for protection and close-combat. It is weak against aeromancy, strong against aquamancy, and nulled by pyromancy. Aeromancy: Wind magic. It symbolizes tranquility and harmony. It is commonly used for close-to-mid-range-combat and speed-augmentation. It is weak against pyromancy, strong against geomancy, and nulled by aquamancy. The basis of magic is founded around the four elements of creation. So much so, that those born have a peculiar affinity towards one of the elements and is capable of casting spells of said element. This is a natural talent. *One area of magic per person. (More may be learned later). ************* Specialization CQC: Close-Quarter-Combat specialization. Those who use aeromancy, pyromancy, and geomancy are most adept at this. (This involves melee weapons, or simple hand-to-hand combat). Despite being able to use magic, CQC fighters aren't as proficient in magic as Healers or Spellcasters. Healer: Healers are commonly medics who use both magic and first-aid. They are more proficient in magic than CQC and Support, but weaker in direct combat. Aquamancers and, at times, geomancers are likely to choose this route. Support: Support fighters are the defenders and, if clever enough, decoys of the group. They aren't as good as CQC combatants, and not as great at magic like Healers and Spellcasters, but they are proficient at what they do. They are commonly mid-to-long range fighters capable of arousing shields or barrier of their particular element. Any field of magic can do. Spellcaster: Spellcasters are the best at what they do. They can use their magic to extreme heights, but are immensely fragile when in combat. Though they lack a fighter's reflexes, they possess a swift, calculating mind that allows them to cast a spell faster than the ordinary spell-user (CQC, Support). Unlike Healers, they are capable of doing damage from a decent range. However, alone, they are pitiful... unless they have enough distance between themselves and their enemy. Aside from their weakness, spellcasters are the only ones who are powerful enough to make a pact with the Elementals. This pact allows them to conjure their respected elementals to assist them in battle. However, this takes a lot of magic, and the magic that links conjurer and the conjured takes a toll depending on the amount of time the elemental has been summoned. Any field of magic can do. ************* The Four Taboos of Magic Sangromancy: Blood magic. Blood magic is known for its use to cast dark spells of the various elements, tainted with their own blood. Not only can it cast elemental spells, but it can also cast non-elemental spells. To further this, sangromancy is capable of many things, ranging from conjuration to target manipulation. It is a cruel form of magic. Umbramancy: Shadow magic. It is a vile form of magic that creates illusions. These illusions can be physical or psychological. Not only are the illusions mind-breaking, but they can be powerful enough to literally manipulate the shadows around the caster of victim. It is considered the most sadistic of the four taboos. Pathomancy: Plague magic. Pathomancy causes rot, decay, and death. Magic becomes tainted, and as a result, it destroys everything in its path. Pathomancy is the most complex out of the four taboos of magic. Necromancy: Black magic. Necromancy is considered the most sacrilegious form of magic. It taints the Nexus, the source of all magic and creation, and brings the dead to life in the most darkest sense. It is the most powerful of the four and has a common relationship of the other three. ************* Rules 1. No Godmodding or Power-Playing. I reserve the right to do so if I need something to be pushed for in the story of this RP. 2. If I grow weary of a problem I did not foresee (or expect to happen), I will add rules to prevent further issues of the problem. To add, I may change rules in the future as I see fit... but this is only when I think I can take the story into a different, more interesting path. 3. I will allow only one character per person, and one specialization per character. As stated above, only one element per character... until I see fit that you can handle another form of magic. 4. The Four Taboos of Magic are OFF-LIMITS. 5. I’m going to kill your character off if you cause frequent problems or have been gone for more than 1 week without notice. 6. Related to the previous rule, if you’re gone for about three days or so in the middle of interacting with another character the other character will be allowed to ignore you. Two days max for something more important. 7. Your character can’t be all-knowing. 8. I encourage you to ask questions! Even if you aren't part of the RP! 9. Ask me anything in the OOC or in PM. 10. I expect some descriptive detail. If I find something amiss, I will "ask" (more like demand) that you fix it (or explain further). 11. Have fun. ************* Character Sheet Username: Name: Gender: Age: Magic: Specialization: Appearance: Background: Personality: [Explain their personalities] Equipment: Other: [Optional] ************* *Note: I may limit the amount of "specializations" depending on the circumstances. **Note: I prefer if you ask questions before you jump the gun. I may have missed a few things. ************* Accepted Characters Username: Jayn Name: Alyss Ward Gender: Female. Age: Nineteen. Magic: Geomancy. Specialization: Support. Appearance:Here. Background: As a child, she grew up in a small town several hours from the city. Her parents were barely around and she had no siblings. Alyss spent most of her days tending to her beautiful garden outside of her house and taking care of her kitten, Kanon. She depended on her garden to bring her happiness and comfort her during lonely times. As time passed, she devolved a strong love for nature and animals and a general dislike of the ones who ruined them. She was quiet and kept to herself there, not having much experience in communication. Now that she's older, she finds that she is still this way in most regards. But she tries to open up to people. She doesn't like revealing much about her past, but she doesn't mind when it makes sense to, or see feels the person is deserving. Personality: Keywords; Passive but loyal to her friends. She doesn't really like confrontation, but she will put up with it if she must. She's dedicated and focused when she wants to be, despite any troubles or hesitancy. Though she rarely speaks her mind, when she does, she becomes flustered and passionate about what she's saying. Equipment: She enjoys caring around a magical flute, designed to interact with and help her control her powers. She also carries a cross bow. Other: N|A Username: Marushi Name: Zacheriah (Zac for short) Gender: Male Age: 17 Magic: Geomancy Specialization: CQC Appearance: Spoiler Background: Zac was the secret son of one of history's most hated Necromancers, a Dark Sorceress named Pamela. She had been hiding for many years, with a secret identity, moving whenever people started to get suspicious. After she gave birth to him, she hid him from the world, because she knew that as the son of a necromancer, he would be hated and feared, possibly even killed. She raised him until he was four and her crimes caught up to her. Her location was discovered by the authorities and they came to capture her. She gave herself up before they could find him, and told him to run as fast and as far away as he could, and to never tell anyone about her. So he ran away and was found by a kindly traveler who took him to an orphanage, where he grew up until he was old enough to go to school. The blood of his mother runs through his veins, and magic comes easily to him, but he lives in fear that he will be found out, or worse, he will end up like his mother, so he uses his magic only in emergencies, believing that if he relies too heavily on magic, he will be unable to draw the line between good and evil. Personality: Although he has a sense of humor and an all around fun personality, fear of revealing his past keeps him quiet and distant, thus earning himself the reputation of being stuck up and rude. He cares about people and has a group of "friends" that he watches out for secretly, but has never spoken to. If anything happened to one of these people, he would do anything to protect them or avenge them, and although it's his choice that seperates him from people, he feels keenly the sting of being friendless. Equipment: His sword, (in pic above) is something he made himself in his spare time, and he takes good care of it. He never enhanced it with any magic, but he unwittingly poured a bit of himself into it, and has a sort of special connection to it. He named it Elengûl, and wields it expertly. Other: [Optional] His tattoo of the flames were to hide a strange birthmark he had on his arm, a pure black star. He thinks it might be a sign of his dark blood, and so covered over it with the fire. Username: Midnight Star Name: Tahlia Gender: Female Age: 18 Magic: Aquamany Specialization: Healer Appearance: Here. She's very small/petite and due to this she is often mistaken for being much younger than she actually is. She has long messy blonde hair which is seldom tied back and usually has a smile on her face. Background: Tahlia grew up in a small village ravaged by war, even though peace had come there was still fighting where she was. As a child she witnessed many horrendous sights, epic battles and the consequences of them. She saw first hand the injuries they were left with after the fighting. This left her with a deep dislike for fighting, even though she was taught at a young age to fight to be able to defend herself with living in a dangerous place. It also left her with the desire to help, to actually do some good. She went round with the village healer, learning all she could to help and also discovered her magic could also make a difference. She also became proficient with a bow and went out hunting, both for food and to simply get away from it all. Though she wanted to do more, she wished she could go out and actually make a difference to the wider world. Try to stop the fighting completely. Personality: Tahlia is extemely determined and hard working. She is quite optimistic and will try to see the positive side of everything, there is usually a smile on her face. Despite this she isn't a fool and is realistic, she's seen what happens when things go wrong. She is sensible and will think before she acts. She has a strong moral compass and feels an obligation to help when anyone needs it. She hates fighting but will fight when she feels is nessesary and will do all she can to protect her friends. When the pressure is off, she loves the chance to be childish and have fun every so often. Equipment: She has a belt full of herbs and medicines which she is constantly refilling whenever she spots a plant on the ground that has uses. She also has a bottle of water on her belt to use when no other water is nearby for her magic. She carries a bow and arrows on her back, which she mainly uses for hunting but if need be can be a formidable weapon as her aim is excellent. She can also stregnthen her bow with magic if nessecary. On top of this she also carries a concealed knife, for chopping up stuff and for emergencies. Other: Username: Master of Keyblades Name: Keel Gender: Male Age: 17 Magic: Pyromancy Specialization: CQC Appearance: Here Background: Born in a village that trained its youth to be skilled fighters, Keel was consider the runt of the litter. Being the weakest and almost failing at just about every challenge he was faced with, his parent often compared him to his older brother. Normally when parents had two kids they were treated and trained equaly no matter the age difference. That wasn't the case for Keel, eventhough they were both trained equally, he could never catch up to his brother and was constantly in his shadow. It wasn't long before he grew tired of the same old thing every day so he decided to leave his home and grow stronger on his own, so when he came back he wouldno long be in his brother's shadow. Personality: Even though most of the time Keel's calm, cheerful, and loyal to his friends, he can be ruthless whenever he's infuriated. Even though he hasn't been angered to that point for a while, he still remebers the result of when it happened when he was a kid. Equipment: On the day he left, he took with him a broadsword, a bag filled with medical supplies, a katana as a backup weapon and smoke grenades incase he needed them. Other:
Marluxia's brain went into a meditative state. A plan slowly formulating. Unconsciously, he was listening to Larxene's plan. It could work, but they should leave without being noticed. To do this would raise alarm. No... They needed so escape with minimum casualties. Though, the Graceful Assassin enjoyed to slaughter, he did not want to make too many enemies in one setting. Maybe once they escape, he could lead a return charge once they regained full power, with a mighty legion of nobodies. Yes, perhaps... The plan began to formulate slowly...
"Just wait, Demyx..." Warned the tyrant, standing inside his cell. "You shall suffer greatly." With that said, he sat down on a dry stool and waited.