As the waitress moved on over, and as Mikatsu continued to show off, Karasu cleared his throat and smiled the best he could through his mask. "I would like four medium steaks, two pumpkin pies, an apple pie, a bowl of chicken soup, a full quail, mashed potatoes and gravy, a chocolate-and-cherry turnover, a gallon of milk, and... a chocolate-and-vanilla cake." He told her, trying to distract the waitress with his abnormal appetite. "And, I don't mean to impose, but I want each of these appetizers on their own plates. I don't want pieces of cakes or pies or... well... quail. I want full trays and bodies. I haven't eaten a good meal in days. You must understand." Karasu turned his gaze to Mikatsu. "So... what is your name, Miss Composite Mage?" The youth asked teasingly, tipping his hat.
Howdy! It's a pleasure to have another new person here. As for entertainment... hrm... well, if you like RPing, I suggest going to the Role Playing Arena. Again, welcome to KHV ^^
Karasu sat across from her, listening to her story. His brow arched as she explained she was a composite mage and how her eyes gave her a Kallahian appearance. He kept quiet, however, until after she showed him an example. Karasu even turned to look at everyone else and laughed. "That's a good prank to play, from time to time." He jest, turning to meet her crimson eyes again. A spark of remembrance flashed across his mind as he realized he forgot something relatively important. "Oh, I forgot to ask for your name. It's so rude of me not to ask my guest for her name." He remarked. His stomach growled again and he sunk further into his seat.
Karasu's hand went limp as he followed her inside, listening to her appreciation. However, as she told him about the neglect she received, he felt sympathy for her. It was the same for him. People averted him at every chance they had, ever since he was a child. The people who required work normally left him alone, paid him, but otherwise ignored his existence. His grey and slitted, glowing green eyes was the source of their disgust. However, Karasu pushed those memories and thoughts away. "You're welcome," he told her, his voice more gentler. This was an unconscious action on his part. "I don't see why people wouldn't treat you to dinner. It's odd. There's not a thing wrong with you." Karasu added, revealing his confusion towards her remark.
Howdy, Snow. I'm impressed that your grammar in English is fluently typed. Anywho, hopefully you'll enjoy your stay in the forum my Vexen-crazy friend :P Hrm... I'm not used to this, so... do I just go ahead and take her soul now? Or do we not do that here? '>.>
Accepted. I may start the RP soon. Either later on today, tomorrow,or Friday. Depending...
Karasu laughed and shook his head. "Your life as an orphan seems to have been a sheltered one," he remarked. "I'm willing to pay for you. It's my way of saying thank you properly." Karasu offered Mikatsu his hand, a friendly gesture, as he half opened the door with his other hand. "Besides, it would be nice to have someone to talk to while I eat. It's been a while since I even spoke to anyone in a friendly manner."
Oh no! Don't leave! I just met you! ...Ah well. Good luck. (I was never good at good-byes)
Karasu listened and smiled as he gazed into her eyes. When she finished, before he could reply, Mikatsu ran off. The youth followed her, but she proved to be the faster. As he emerged from the crowd, she was in front of a restaurant. Karasu practically drooled as he looked at the sign and hurried his way towards the door. He paused and half-turned. "Would you like to have dinner with me?" He asked, smiling again. His stomach growled defiantly at the hesitation. "It would be a shame not to return your kindness."
It works. Accepted.
I agree with DarkTraitor. I've bore witness to such things, and, admittedly (and with much shame), I have partook in many chaotic affairs involving shameful godmodding to the point it got the Sodom & Gomorrah treatment... but, in my defense, I was a victim of my own ego during such events. Combat-oriented RPs are only good so long as the combat has a plot-driven purpose; otherwise, it's a pain in the arse and it could break out into immature squabbling over whose is bigger... Personally, I would like to partake in more PvP oriented RPs (that is carefully monitored) than just normal "character interaction" RPs (meaning, no actual fights ever break out between two players, just arguing, complying, and fighting together...)). Back when I first RPed, combat-oriented RPs were far more normal than what I do today. However, it was a constant game of cat-and-mouse, where no one could hit the other and the other would retaliate with a stronger attack... and this continued for days and then months and nearly into a year. It was chaos. However, I enjoyed it, because it was fun and, once every blue moon, you managed to score a hit. Now, I'm far more tamed, but I miss the old days. In fact, I hosted more RPs than I participated in... so, yeah. I miss being the player, and I really do miss battle-oriented RPs with a passion. Hopefully, when the day comes, I'll jump into one and I pray the host would monitor it... perhaps with a judge or two, just to be safe. However, I do not see that happening any time soon. Mostly because I'm too cynical for my own good.
Ugh... I knew I forgot to something. I forgot to say that I'm only looking for students, not teachers. So, you should probably fix that... Ah, I see. Sorry, I misread that x.x (accepted)
Elaborate on the personality and give some more depth to his background. Awesome. Elaborate on why she needs to have the flute to control her powers. Once that's done, you're accepted.
lol... indeed. That's life for you.
I've been alright.
lol, I understand what you mean. That transition is a pain in the arse. But, I'm glad you're doing alright.
Everything seems in order. Accepted.
Aww... thanks. So, how've you been, Chev?
lol, howdy ;)
Yes. Thank you ^^