Username: Sessamaru Name: Lucifer Nihil Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler Side: Yshrenia Weapon: Twin Sabers Fighting style: Tactical/Melee Personality: Lucifer is an intelligent young man. This makes him cold, calculating, and analytical. He often nitpicks the flaws of others and holds much disregards towards most, if not all, of humanity. He's often seen alone and rarely, if ever, associates with anyone. He often seems sure of himself and his own abilities, but his own philosophy makes him seem emotionless. He declares himself a nihilist, and as such holds everything in a cynical view. What he sees, it is. Because of this, he justifies his own actions by speaking of his own animal instincts, as if he had consciously obeyed them. Though he shows much disdain for the war, he believes there will be no end, and therefore he must fight to survive. He has no liking for killing, but he will almost always kill his opponent or teammate (should they prove to be a burden). However, it is theorized he may also be a schizophrenic. But, his insanity has yet to show itself (save for in his own actions). Bio: Lucifer was born into a family of miners. His father often drank and his mother was a broken rag doll. He was often abused and his mother did nothing but watched until it was her turn to be thrashed and mauled until his father passed out or left home. As Lucifer became older, his mother died when his father went on his usual drunken tirades. This made Lucifer's father drink more. Lucifer eventually ran away and joined the military. A few years in the military, Lucifer finally heard word of his gods-forsaken father. He had died in an alleyway. Lucifer felt nothing. No joy, no sorrow. He excelled in their studies program and proved to be an excellent tactician. After many training exercises, he was selected to be chosen as a Knight. Despite this honorary, elite status, Lucifer rarely uses it, save for when he is forced to fight another knight. Knight appearance: Spoiler Ark: His trench coat Incantation: Chaos, the Writhing Darkness, Lord of Creation and Destruction, Bring Unto Me Nothingness! How's this?
Alright. I think I like him already. Oh how I love making such dark characters ^^
lol, alright, that'll work :P Anywho, working on my sheet.
lol, it's your RP, not mine. My suggestions wouldn't be valuable in that regard. Honestly, I think it's a great idea. It's just my current state...
Hrm... this is mildly troublesome for me, but I'll see if I can't just wing it.
I see. What's the differences between the nations/factions? What are their ideals?
So... the character is unconscious while your soul is in the armor? Or does your entire being become the armor?
Ah! It's like reading Japanese! I keep rereading it and try to understand it, but my mind is drawing a blank. I swear, I must be reading over...
I may. Just give me some time to wake up. I've been dog-sitting again so I'm extremely tired. She's such a hyper little puppy...
OOC: Since we're all technically agreed... *ahem* Ulrich sighed in relief. "Alright, since we'll be doing this plan," he began. "I propose we first travel to Jo's village to recuperate. After we spend a day there, we can divide into two groups, or... for moving about undetected--" hopefully, he thought-- "we split into groups of two, each group having different elementals. Once we split, we all take different routes to the city or town, also known as the Rendezvous Point. However, this could be further discussed once we're well rested and well-fed." Ulrich explained, running a hand through his hair. He offered a lazy smile as he looked around. "But, is this alright with you, Miss Leader?" Ulrich asked Haley.
Actually, I was hoping for some trouble to happen. FireKeyBlade actually had a good idea to split us all up... *ahem*continueplotthere*ahem*. And even if the character's did pretend to be in the town/city, there could still be an advancement in plot by rousing a civil war or some such. Or, create some evil wizard/witch revolutionaries causing trouble, thus forcing the orphans to fight them WITH the military and so on and so forth. You can do a lot with this idea. The whole thing about the story is to have everything "perfect" to fall apart before their very eyes. After all, in every equation is a variable ;) (This said and done... I have a very good idea about the evil air guy... if Midnight would like to discuss this via PM?) Edit: There you go, Midnight. I gave you infinite options to continue the story in my post ^^ (I hope...) Edit 2: I just realized, now that I am fully awake and aware, I totally misread Midnight's post and repeated what she said, as well as being a tad bit condescending... I apologize x.x
Ulrich absently nodded to Jellal as he heard Jo's request. Her words were strained, despite the pride in her voice. The bow of her head as she spoke slightly unnerved him, and he didn't know what to say or even if he should agree to it. Then again, it wasn't much of his own right to even act as leader, so he simply looked to Haley for an answer. Ulrich shifted uncomfortably.
Ulrich stared at Jellal for a long moment, calculating the amount of time. "Perhaps for a few months, if everyone plays balls. Years, if we can keep it up. A life time, if we're lucky." He said at last, though he didn't truly believe in the words themselves. How could he? Most of his kind harbored antagonistic feelings towards the normal folk, and staring at his peers now, he felt as though the possibility of living a life of peace was unattainable as immature as they were now. "The only way we can let this succeed," Ulrich went on. "Is if all of you have a strong desire to live rather than die at your own, foolish hands." The words were sharp and there was an unspoken message that hung in between the lines. He stood there silently, gazing at them with his own drooping eyes of amber.
Ulrich turned to Andrew and smiled. "We'll cross that bridge once everyone agrees to it," Ulrich remarked, hands in pockets. He simply stood where he was, biting his tongue as he counted the number of orphans gathered. It wouldn't be hard to get them all in, but the best manner to do it was smuggling. He frowned at that idea, thinking of another to put beside it. They could break into teams, each one having a leader and each taking a different route. This would seem less suspicious as it allowed all of them to get into the city at different times and in smaller, acceptable numbers. If anything were to happen on the way, their firepower would be lessened... but it wouldn't be as dangerous. Ulrich sorted through his thoughts as he analyzed the group. He sighed.
Ulrich was about to reply to Haley, but Jo interrupted. He looked down. "That's somewhat akin to my plan... my plan suggested we go to a town or city and keep a low profile there, working as normal humans. No magic, no vengeance... just simple survival in a normal society," he said to the both of them. Ulrich popped his knuckles. "But, it's only risky when some of us do not want peace. If even one of us gives a slight hint of our magic, we would be on the run again. Hence, this is a very fragile plan. Jo, Sparky... so on and so forth... they may compromise us if they can't keep their ire in check." Ulrich went on, shaking his head. "We find an abandoned warehouse, do a few oddjobs, pool our money together, then living will be feasible and we would be out of the military's radar. They wouldn't expect us to live among the normal humans in plain sight." He sighed. "But, if no one is on board with that plan, I suppose I can figure out what's good to eat and what isn't," Ulrich finished, his tone dull and lethargic. It was apparent he didn't want to do that sort of work.
Ulrich smiled as the two girls hugged, taking sympathy in one another's pain. He felt happy they were getting along, somewhat. Haley spoke to Ulrich whilst Andrew, himself, drew out a map. "I see," Ulrich murmured. "Well, I can think of a way for us to get food and shelter, but it's immensely risky. I doubt any of you would want to do it," Ulrich sighed, shaking his head. "But, food won't be hard to find if we remain in the thick of the wilds. Deer, vegetation... an earth-user..." Ulrich went on, glancing at Andrew as he said it. "You just need to know what's right to eat and what's not. Then again, the other way is easier, but not everyone will be willing to do it," He shrugged, yawning.
lol Alright. That's understandable.
I'm gonna wait for a few people to post. I can't think of anything to really post at the moment... well, except for Peter, but I really don't want to make two separate posts.
lol, only if it's alright with Midnight. But, in the mean time, I'll go ahead and whip one up just to keep myself entertained.
Seems that way, honestly. Nevertheless, I'm still tempted to make an Air Affinity that's just pure evil. Would be fun.