Thats wow i never knew
hello nice to meet you
hi nice to meet you
me:y-you really believe that hatred:don't buy into it their just trying to get to you
i'm weak compared to all of you ok i have no real skill im pathetic worthless must i really go on i mean i've never had friends til now
me:well good for you unfortunately i got beat up everyday when i was young until i finally went berserk and killed a guy and yes im afraid of when i go berserk
oh yeah just wait til next time then we'll really see who gets the floor wiped with em
ok ok so i really like you guys it's just that i got an admitting problem i don't like to admit i....have...f-f-friends *panting*
what what i do i don't hate everything like for example i dont hate myself and and uhhhhhhh sh**
if it wasn't for the fact that i hate everyone and everything i'd shoot myself
me:wait so you mean this whole time you've been teasing us ugh *faints*
*fuses with nas to create Rhasel* now maybe we can figure out our next move
*puts up electrical barrier* what were you thinking
we are so dead
i think nas has a plan for beating her what should we do
hmm then what sh-should we do
oh man i didn't know there was a devil mar cry froup on here
charges up and uses red lightning ball and hurls at rosetta
hows that for a fusion
*fuses with ax to create rhaxel