didn't we do that before
*vanishes behind ax and smacks him upside the head* are you crazy joe will kill you
hey hey hey....what about me *grins*
mmm ok how do u beat her
man this calls for some music *plays breaking point-falling down* man i love it when she's mad
nah that would be too easy
about how to defeat kim and rose
oh nothing just thinking
so thats your goddess huh wow
*gets in the way of the attack and tries to hold it back* hey rose come on now stop this it it isn't right lets talk this over
so who is electrina
daaaaammmnnn i wanna get in on this
or you could die ax did you ever think about that
yeah so whats this i hear about a super god if so i want in
so what'cha upto
man this is getting intense maybe i should start talking trash
yeah joe.......did i really just say that man i gotta stop getting caught up in the moment
boy i'd hate to be ax right about now
*gets between them* alright guys lets just calm down before something bad happens
laughs at ax hahahahaha man you are one dead son of a b*tch