igh hmph yeah right i'll never give up nas i will become the strongest just wait and see
whoo whee thats some catchin pardner
oh boy looks like i over did it again good thing shes not here *runs awau*
oh hatred is my evil split personality when i get really angry
dude probably not the best idea since theres nas, kbmj,cr, and NoN
i do not know who or what is it
me:b-b-b-but aw damn it she went soft on me how can i fight her now *turns back to normal
*electricity surrounds me* get ready. shoots thunder from sky at you
hared: whats wrong with him anyways what do i care im only in this for the fight bring it
hey ax thats going to far
hatred:i think shes challenging us me:wanna take over hatred:sure
buzz off girl i've got no time for a pathetic excuse for a human such as yourself
look them up on wikipedia.com
hello thunder sky hahaha not to bright are you *sky turns black* get ready for this
man women get tense off the stupidest things im gone
heh i wouldn't mess with her if i were you
well better get washing but i am not touching shed skin