OOC: No, I'm crying because it was a GOOD thing! TT_TT. It made me feel tough n' stuff. TT_TT TT_TT...
OOC: Yeah, I once scared everybody on my street. That was five years ago. TT_TT
Chronix shook his head and blinked again.
OOC: Oh no, he moved away loooong after I disabled his ability to f*** people. I enjoyed every second of that kick. XD
Chronix began walking up the hill when he saw something. It looked like Jack, but then Chronix blinked and it was gone.
OOC: YES!!! XD Show that M****r F***er what's what! Er, I mean...
OOC: gotten that too. I sent the person doing it an e-mail saying if they ever did it again, I would not be afraid to beat the snot out of them. The person was kinda' gay, he wouldn't shut up about how mean I was. -_-;; What was I supposed to do, eh?!
"My god, you need to fix this place up." Jonas said when he saw the mess.
OOC: *Gets huggled again*
OOC: To Maria: You know, when I first joined, the same thing happened to me. Last time I blew up though.
"Okay, when have you EVER gotten a migraine?" Theo asked, doubtingly. Chronix shrugged.
"ACK!" Jonas said
"I don't know, but don't look at the mirrors, you WILL regret it. Trust me. I looked into one and I saw one of my vital organs getting ripped out SLOWLY." Jonas said.
Sorry? I'm sorry I had to end up in this room!" Jonas said looking into another mirror on his wall that showed his gruesome future. Then they both ended back up in the room of horrid mirrors. "Oh no..."
Jaden suddenly felt as if his head had cleared and he felt more energized.
"I swear to god, if-" Jonas began before the box came up and sent him back into his apartment room. "Eh?" he thought.
Theo looked over at Chronix from where he was laying. "You alright, kid?" he asked. "I'm fine, just a migraine or something." Chronix said, rubbing his head.
Every time Jonas looked into a mirror, some horrible vision of his future appeared in it. "O-ho-hokay, this is getting scary, where's the guy behind this?"
Jonas felt the box he was locked in rise up through the floor of some room. Then it fell away and he saw he was in a room with mirrors on every wall. "Anybody there?" he called.
Chronix flinched. He had suddenly felt his head pain up on him. OOC: (It's ironic that Chronix gets a headache right after Panthera gets skull bashed, eh? Hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge)