Chronix's eyes shot open. He was still at the inn, but his dream said he was somewhere else. ~I'm in a strange room. IT looks like a hospital. Wait, that's me on the bed... Oh. Real nice of the dream world to make me look at Jack again. Wait, what's this? I can hear his thoughts.... Jack's thoughts: I wonder if Chronix knows yet. He doesn't know I'm his father. But that's not what it is I wonder if he knows. I' wondering... Does he know his future?~ Chronix shook his head and woke up for real. Jack was a fortune teller?
Xendane's character Name: Jack Swade Age: 17 Gender: male Appearance: coming soooooooon!!! Weapon(s): anything. He makes anything a weapon. History: Jack's history is what he calls "Forbidden", but we managed to find his history under his bed. It says he was a secret agent at age fifteen and was in the army at age fourteen. Elements (Up to 2): Fire and Earth Other: Thinks life is boring and always has a bored/smug smile on his face. Sleepy eyes included.
Jonas looked at her, quickly putting the phone away. "Uh, yeah. Why?"
"No, Jakey, I can't come and play octopus time with you right now. Big brother's kinda' busy. I'll make it up to you later, I swear. I'll be home in three days. You can wait that long, you've waited a year, right? Okay, I'll see you in three days. When my head stops spinning. Okay, see ya, kid." Jonas hung up and sighed out, the red draining from his face.
OOC: No, I was going for more along the lines of CIA info. :D
OOC: She missed out on me burninating the most important American secret documents. NOT! XD XD XD XD XD Burninating: Verb. (BURN-in-nate-ing). To burninate. See also: burn. Example: He burninated the secret American documents, then laughed evilly. Ha ha.
OOC: ... Stuffs? XD
Jonas's cell phone went off, playing the "Cuppycake Gumdrop theme, which was not his friend's ringtone, so his little brother was calling him. Jonas turned a deep red. "Oh dear god, why now..."
Jonas shook his head as he got up. It hurt because he hit it on the floor.
OOC: (My mood only says Cynical because some ****** jack-off made my day hell. His was no better once I was through getting back at him.) BIC: Chronix thought he really was coming down with something, so he went back to the inn and went to bed and secretly hoped he could turned invisible and not have to worry about anybody. Chronix was noticing he had reverted to his old self again.
OOC: Yay! *Attempts to huggle self but fails and sighs.* Well, gtg now, be back later.
OOC: It's also the cute way of saying I is hugged.
OOC: Hugz. :D
OOC: *Gets huggled once more*
OOC: Not funny! TT_TT
OOC: *meep!*
OOC: That's true...
OOC: And now my dumb-*** sister has just come in and wrecked my mood with her *****iness.
OOC: And then I slipped and had a mood swing. Ooh, a butterfly-*Collapses*
OOC: *Sniffles* only on the internet....