Jonas fell back to sleep and the girl continued searching his bag.
"Hey!" Jonas said, looking at the girl, who stopped, looked up at Jonas, and smiled, then continued looking through his bag. "Stop that!" Jonas said again, making the girl once more stop and look up at him. "What? I'm just looking for something." she said innocently. "In MY BAG." Jonas said. The girl looked down, and her eyes widened, then she took her hands out of the bag and sat back in her seat next to Jonas.
Jonas woke up and looked at the girl, who was still very quietly going through his bag, apparently looking for something.
Name: Bradley Ferwissin Age: 24 Sex: Male Race: Human Rank: Ninja Other: Very quiet, think Cloud Strife attitude. Side: Good AND... Name: Jason Matroya Age: 20 Sex: Male Race: Human Rank: gunman/special agent. Specializes in brute force and Martial Arts. Other: Laid back, has a swearing disposition and a cool bike. Long red hair reaches waist because he doesn't know the meaning of HAIRCUTS. Side: good
OOC: Sorry I never replied. I was working my @$$ off. BIC: Jonas fell asleep on the plane and was unaware of the girl sitting next to him quietly going through his backpack.
Chronix was beginning to wake up. But he felt no stronger than when he started off. Something must have been stealing his energy in his sleep. And the island he was on was somewhat TOO peaceful...
OOC: Yes, but what about s-CRY-ed? That show's cool, exept it ended a while ago. TT_TT But, you can still attempt to watch it on youtube. Just a show of cool people destroying, resizing, rebuilding, and crystallizing matter into a type of super weapon. :D
"OW! That hurt!" Theo yelled as he rubbed his fist which was in pain from the force of the blow he had landed on the sand barrier he was stuck in.
Theo realized he was covered in sand from the neck down. In a desperate attempt to free himself, he punched through the hard sand barrier and made a fist of victory.
Jonas ran into the airport and signed for a flight at two o' clock.
Theo drove the boat faster as he sped through the water, but then he realized he couldn't move. Then it happened. The boat started spinning wildly, and Theo looked desperately for the cause.Then, looking over at the beach, Theo saw(to his horror)a bloodling, smiling as he watched them go down into the whirlpool. ~Damn! This isn't good!~ Theo thought as he was thrown wildly into the water, unable to breathe. ~I can't swim either!~ Theo suddenly blacked out and woke up on the beach somehow. Looking around, he searched frantically for Hiro and Chronix, who just at that moment alighted on the ground, Hiro carrying the STILL sleeping Chronix. Theo sighed, then realized he couldn't move.
OOC: (KK? Whirlpool of doom pops up a lot lately... Well, for me it does...) Hiro looked at the beach and saw why Theo was staring. "Why didn't we stop to help?" he asked, non-caringly. "Because, we really need to stop falling behind." Theo replied. "Our mission is to save this world, not sit around and watch it rot."
Theo saw something fall out of the sky and crash on the beach, but he had no intention of stopping, so he kept the boat going, as to not arouse suspicion.
Jonas slammed the door and ran down the street towards the nearest airport to get home. His family lived all the way in Tokyo because they were on vacation. So it would take him at least two days to get to Tokyo, and one more day to get to his house in Tokyo.
OOC: (Catch up? With Chronix in his current state? NEVAR!!! Just kidding, lol. :D) Theo saw Chronix attempting to drag his sword down the stairs. He sighed. "Tired, are we?" he asked dryly. "Very." Chronix answered, grunting. Theo grabbed his sword and hefted it over his shoulder. "Well, whatever. We really oughta' be going." Theo helped Chronix out of the inn. Barandy was following. "You'll come back and stay afterwards, right?" she asked Chronix. "Sure, if there IS an afterwards." Chronix replied as Theo walked himself and Chronix over to a motorboat. Hiro was already there. "Hurry up, we're way behind in our mission." he said ruefully. Theo and Chronix dropped into the boat, Chronix fell quickly asleep. "Good. He doesn't snore. If he did, I would shove him off the boat." Hiro said looking at the sleeping Chronix. The boat started and Barandy ran along the coast, waving at the three of them. Theo waved back and turned his attention to the commotion going on in the next town over.
Jonas went and grabbed two suitcases and packed them full wildly.
OOC: (Now, backa' to ze story!) BIC: Chronix grabbed his sword and realized for the first time how heavy it really was. He knew from the pain that his sword was really over 100 pounds.
OOC: (KK. I like the longer RPs anyhow, it's more fun that way. :D)
Chronix got up, even more tired than he was. He figured if he was going to fight, he would need a darn good reason for straining himself.
Jonas nodded. Then he turned back to the door and went to his room to get hit stuff.