OOC: Just go with this next part here, I really need to see some RP action. I haven't had any all day. Bradley just smiled. "That so?" he said, casually lifting his foot and landing a blow in Chris's face. Bradley never thought to tell him how long he had been training since he left ShinRa. Bradley whipped around and stood almost as if he hadn't done anything. Smiling, Bradley laughed in his throat.
Once Bradley had gotten out of the city(Let's just say he has a fast bike), he threw the strange object Chris had dropped next to him far out into the open, waiting for what came next.
Bradley saw it and stopped. Looking closely at it, he picked it up, then, thinking fast, dropped it and crushed it under his foot. "That little punk tried the impossible. I would have thought being an ex-SOLDIER that he would have known better." Bradley shook his head, smiling, then drove off, the crushed item in hand. "But this might do something useful, so..."
Xendane: Alright, Cloudy, I'll bite. How horrible is THIS RP? Cloud8107: Don't call me that. Whatever. Name: Osmosa Fynnara Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon: big throwing stars Occupation: Ninja Extras: He's searching for SOMETHING along with Train. Half-sky pirate. Appearance: Khaki shorts, a big green turtle neck sweater, a blue headband, a weird shield thing on left arm, green eyes, black shoes, wears five belts with different weapons on them, straps on his back to keep his shurikens in place, black gloves, Zephyr ring. Cloud8107: I don't recall ever saying YOU could join or have two classes. Xendane: Ah, shutup, you never care about it anyhow. Yes, Cloud8107 and I are very good friends, we argue like good friends. :D Cloud8107: And I always lose the fight. TT_TT BIC: Osmosa followed Train to the captain's hold, star in hand, because he had heard something in there.
OOC: Sorry I'm late. I was in church. BIC: Bradley looked over at Chris before saying "Whatever, twerp." and getting on his bike and leaving. Bradley took no commands from SOLDIER or ShinRa anymore, nor did he take commands from people who looked like they were tough guys.
Bradley looked at Chris and smirked. "Gotta' go, Jack. This little twerp is bugging at me. Besides, my battery is near dead in my phone anyhow." Bradley shut off his phone and returned that hand back to his pocket. "Joking around my @$$." Bradley said to Chris, watching him out of the side of his eye. OOC: Again, nothing meant by Bradley calling Chris a twerp. He's also quite rude.
"Nope. And you thought Midgar was the perfect vacation spot, too, Jack. Heh, boy did you read the map wrong. If we were to come here, we would've been killed on the spot for entering and renting a ROOM here." Bradley was beginning to push his luck, which he had a bad habit of doing very often. OOC: Just for a fact, I am in NO WAY implying that Midgar Sucks, I'm just making things up as I go.
Bradley's cell phone rang. Not caring he was being held up by somebody, he calmly pulled out his cell and hit the talk button. "Ha. No, but I can say that I think I found Midgar. You made me travel thirty nine miles for a pretty shabby looking town if you ask me." Bradley said this meaning to insult Chris. And he hoped he had, because the fight hadn't gone out of him yet.
OOC: Just jump in when you feel like it. I guess? XD BIC: Bradley looked at Chris. "What?" he said calmly(Almost Yazoo like), "Can't a guy have some fun?"
OOC: Yesh. Yesh it is. BIC: Bradley dropped the limp Soldier he was holding and went for his bike.
OOC: (We're all stuck on an island, Zane pissed off Cid to the point of Cid attempting to kill him, Blade broke his arm, Panthera twisted his ankle I think, my characters are all completely wiped out except for Hiro, and Diana seems to have no status ailments at all.)
OOC: Famous sure, but it is STILL way too overused, and you CAN'T deny that. :D Anyhow, I'ma gonna' start now. I hope to god I get this right. BIC: Bradley looked around his surroundings as he dispatched of the last SOLDIER out of three he was fighting. Wow, he messed up things bad.
OOC: I'm about to rip off one of the most overused Spiderman lines ever. My creativity senses are tingling!
Me! But... I'm kinda' broke for ideas. At the moment.
OOC: Oh yeah! I completely forgot about Genesis! Thanks for helping my brain remember, I needed that info so I could try and find out the whole story behind FF7.
OOC: Genesis was one of the people from ShinRa involved in killing Zack. I think.
OOC: (KK. And sorry I didn't have a pic. I have trouble matching pictures to what I see my characters as. XD)
Chronix used what little strength he had left to walk over to the edge of the island he was on, before falling over and going back to sleep. Again. Theo sighed. How could one as versatile as Chronix be so wiped out? Then, Chronix got back up and went off down the island. Theo and Hiro ran after him.
Name: Bradley Ferwissin group: ( evil, rogue, or SOLDIER) Was a SOLDIER, but then turned rogue. weapon: A gun or his bare fists Age: 22 Appearance: Short spiky gray-black hair, and he wears a Turk outfit, we don't know why. personality: Laid back and never shuts his cell phone off. Somewhat like Reno in a way, only more along the lines of Second Class Ex-SOLDIER. (Psst! I can be Second Class Ex-SOLDIER, right? It says in the rules first two get second class.)
Chronix heard some yelling, and that was enough proof somebody else was there.