OOC: Oh noez, boredom is easy, just don't think. Half the time, the parents of my family are my brain. No sh*t. This would be that half of the time.
Bradley snapped his fingers and he was immediately in the air, and then he kicked the flat of Chris's blade, sending him flying.(Trying to not powerplay or god mod, tell me if I accidentally did so. I will edit.)
OOC: Ummmmmmmmm... Be bored too?
Jack smiled at Chronix before quietly throwing his spear at the air, then he jumped high into the air, grabbed his spear, and crashed onto the ground, sending a large shockwave through the ground.
Bradley sighed and raised his arms as he got hit, then brushed himself off like it was nothing.
Rey stretched and then cracked a kink out of his neck, then kept riding.
OOC: ... I'm bored.
"First class SOLDIER," Bradley said, "Meet first class Special Rebel Agent code number 895640. And the only other one like me is Jason Matroya, my student in arms." Bradley said, grabbing Chris's arm and keeping himself well ducked.
Rey was suddenly still from fidgeting, and he sighed. "good thing THAT got over with." He said out loud.
OOC: Lol, yeah I know, we always make it funny and we don't know why. Cloud8107: Liar, yes we do. Xendane: Shutup! You're giving it away! Cloud8107: Well, it's true! KK, I'll keep Cloud8107 quiet. BIC: Rey was now fidgeting in his saddle so much that it looked like he was on the verge of a seizure.
OOC: I'm not married to him! Cloud8107: Then where'd that wedding ring come from XD Xendane: You KNOW where this came from, Cloudy, don't even get started with that. Cloud8107: Yeah yeah, I know, your girlfriend gave it to you. But it's still fun to make fun of you that way. :D Xendane: Yeah, well keep making fun of me that way and you'll find your own face plastered in the wall right next to you. Cloud8107: Meep! Ahem. Like I said, I am not married to him. Even though we fight like an old married couple. :D
Bradley easily sidestepped out of the way as Chris ran past. "Is that all?" Bradley said, still with that smug grin on his face. "C'mon, even Jason was better than you, and he is PATHETIC ranking next to me." Bradley laughed at his own insult.
OOC: To Cloud's buddy: Never ask me a question that I will obviously joke around with, for I become very unresponsive. ^_^ BIC: Rey's fidgeting went up to his torso as he constantly shifted in the saddle.
OOC: ... Somewhat important stuff?
OOC: ... Stuff? BIC: Rey nodded and felt his leg tense up on him. He didn't mind.
"No, I've gone through it before, next up is fidgeting, then everything goes back to normal." Rey said calmly, his right leg beginning to twitch. "Ah, see? There it goes now."
Rey started having a fit of dry heaves. And next, he thought, is the uncontrollable fidgeting.
Rey blinked because his vision was getting blurry. This happens all the time, he thought, next comes the dry heaves.
"Yeah," Rey replied, shaking his head one last time. "I'll be alright."
Rey shook his head again. That queasy feeling was a pain. He and King Mark and Lady Kathy rode out behind Sir Walsh, where a small group of knights were waiting.