Intelligence o.o Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: sup Stranger: nm u? You: same Stranger: bored You: yeah You: just trolling this thing Stranger: lol You: is it worth it? Stranger: yeah Stranger: for a good laugh You: awesomeburger Stranger: it amazes me how stupid people are You: You're only my second partner dude Stranger: what? You: the first asked me where i lived and then disconnected :> You: Anyway You: not gonna troll you Stranger: good You: disconnecting Stranger: nooooo! You: why not? Stranger: don't leave me Stranger: haha jk Your conversational partner has disconnected. More of it D: Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: a/s/l Stranger: alpine/star/lettuce Stranger: your turn You: you're boring sir Stranger: :( Stranger: i like to think i'm interesting You: Yeah you'd like that Stranger: i would Stranger: well you got any interesting topics of conversation? You: i was trying to troll you Stranger: i guessed You: :/ You: oh well Stranger: you troll any games? You: YOU SUCK HUGE COCK HOLY **** THIS IS GAY I HATE YOU You have disconnected. Fck this is fun Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: hi (: Stranger: im hot and im male. can you talk with me (only girls) ? You: oh yeah baby Stranger: f-m? You: what r u talking about??? Stranger: cyber You: whats that? You: do you wnat 2 hve sex? Stranger: yeah Stranger: have you got msn You: npe You: i hve aim tho Stranger: hum Stranger: ok You: my scrennames blackbetyhot241 Stranger: ok wait You: do u hve webcam? You: bb You have disconnected.
Get a 80GB it's the only one that you can buy at the moment except for the 160GB one.
Give me someone awesome.
Yeah cause PSN doesn't have demos and dlc or friends to play or extremly good exclusives. 360 has Mass Effect, Halo 3, Left 4 Dead and maybe Fable 2 or Gears of War (They're both not that great.)
Luka ...
Not the Spamzone here. Otherwise is anyone as annoyed as that gym teacher girl? asdfghjkl; The balance games are the only fun things, still not worth a buy though.
In my opinion PS3 has the better controller and the better exclusives. Xbox 360 gets the better internet service and the better multyplats. PS3 gets the wireless connector and the Blu-ray drive. Also The PS3 can take a bit better graphics than the 360 (you'll see it only very few, but it's possible.) PS3 has no yellow ring but a yellow light. Most people don't even know this because it's so rare, unlike the Red Ring which is a huge problem. PS3 is more money but you get the better console in my opinion
You didn't show me Octavarium yet.
Wow You didn't even link to the picture url.
Now tell us about your feelings...
No, It's me.
Yeah, i wish.
I'm bored. Done.
So what's up?
Nope those threads are.
lol no threads like the one you made are annoying because they are made so often.
Big Deal.
You did say something. And what's your problem with it?
Wii Fit will leave you bored after about 2 weeks and you will not want to play it anymore, therefore you woon't loose wait and it will be a total waste. No one will ever loose wait with this. Everyone wants to though, so nintendo thought it was a good idea.