Pretty please? It's not really that hard either.
Cover Finally Free by Dream Theater
Tool has a few good songs. Dream Theater has more experience though. I prefer Dream Theater, they were probably the first to mix Metal with Progressive music. Well there was Fates Warning or Queensryche but they were both more metal influenced though. Dream Theater is the best Progressive Metal Band in my opinion though.
I was just messing with people, good sir. Square is actually trying to fit FFXIII to one DVD. They said they are going to finish the PS3 version and will say how much of that they will put into the 360 Version. Personally i think they will compress it and downscale it untill it fits on 2 or 3 DVDs.
On that point Gotta love FFXIII on 360
You are the perfect Drug the perfect drug the perfect drug you are the perfect drug the perfect drug the perfect drug. Best solo artist imo.
Twitter is everywhere :B|:
Beyond cool good lady, beyond cool.
I suggest Dream Theater next
Let's go <3
Didn't we have this topic already with every other member before?
Oh yeah totally forgot about Sega coming back this gen. Glad i made you lol
PFFT It's better than the Nintendo Woohoo which uses only 4940p I want Mega high definition 20250p
Waiting sucks
ITT: Conspiracy Theories.
Holy **** the new FFXXIX trailer looks awesome. So gonna buy PS7 for that. Also did anyone listen to the leaked songs from Muse's 12th Album? **** is gonna be so cash. Also Guys I'm gonna be 31 in two weeks Awesomeee. lrn2math
I agree though. Hate most MMORPG's though.
Firstly Dream Theater. Best band ever. Then Megadeth and Within Temptation.
Obviously XBL is superior to PSN, otherwise paying for it wouldn't make much sence.
Trust me, You'd be better of getting a PS2 than a 360 Arcade. Also how does 360 get better games. 360 Has more exclusives but only few are AAA games (Mass Effect, Halo just as examples) While most PS3 exclusives are AAA, not all though sadly.