Wow @.@ Sounds like some day. But I hope you enjoyed yourself regardless. Archery sounds like tons of fun and I've always wanted to try it. Dun be dead! D: Liiiiiiiiiive~!
Random as always, I see. Haha hello there. How has your day gone? :3c
Hello gaiz. <3 Hmmm... Khv seems a bit off in looks to me today. Anywho, what you all up to?! =D
Good girl. ; ; Mummy just worries for her kids is all ; ; Haha no, no it' fine. I'll manage I suppose. I'm just dreading having to do internship hours on Monday. Gahh.... too tired.
Well maybe you should take some break from doing so. ; ; You really shouldn't overwork yourself, dearest. D: Hahaha probably not but thank you very much. We'll see how it goes. I have tons homework and need to finish cleaning my room.
D'aw that's too bad :c Hope you get tons better soon. I'm alright. Just unable to sleep. Not looking forward to today or tomorrow. ><
Hello there, dear. How are you?
Hello once again <3 Please don't ignore me ; ;
Please don't hurt me anyone ><
Tis would be very nice ; ; But a bit tad mean. I mean, they can ignore me if they like. I dun wanna be a bother.
Ohai thread and it's members <3 How are you? =^^=
Goodith morning to thee all~! Hmmmm.... now I have a urge to hear Keppy say desu repeatedly.
Get it in all the way and it'll be the best.
And deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper.
You just love to take it all in, don't you? @biu: What?
Oh you should know right well how YOU got that nickname~
Oh right. That slips my mind all the time. I only know you as DeepThroat. Baby Adam is so kawaii~
Oh nice. I think I confused myself after Adam ; ; My brain died.
Sorry dear, I gave up ; ;
Go biu. You can do it. Post post post.