..... *snicker* ... *cough* .....BWAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.. But yes, friendship >w> Haha I ended up watching anime instead. >w< I'll get to it eventually.
Yes... friendship... that's what we want them to think >3 Kesese~ Hmm.. now how to go about this poem. I didn't read through it right so I am going to read it over and over til I get something.
YEAH! LET'S SHOW ALL THEM FAMILIES THAT THEY DUN MESS WITH US! WE'RE AWESOME! Of course, this is all for fun. But there's no harm in winning :3c
True. Gah there's so much that we have fit in such a small poem. This is gonna be a bit hard haha. But we can do it! =D
Why can't they bring back rainbow? ; ; it was so awesome.
Is it bad to say that pink really doesn't suit the name Feenie? ; ;
Haha I suppose so if everyone agrees to it xD I mean, they didn't say it had to be sentimental, right?
My kawaii baby Adam is not allowed to be lazy B| I actually found it quite adorable =^^= Thankies dearest. Funny people a lot of people like my hair for whatever reason @.@ Haha that was fun. Sadly, now I wanna mae it a comedy peom about staff xD
You are in my eyes 8D Okies dens we shall wait for her response then! *cue Jeopardy music* Hmm... well off the top of my head: community, friends and most of all, family of course. But that really doesn't say much ahaha xD *thinking in process....*
Nice quote in your sig, muchasshoe xD
You're right! =^^= Great job people! Our Lord is so grand. Hm... I dunno. I suppose it's best to ask but we can us you as a substitute if Danu is unable to make it again this time. I mean, if you're okies with that and all haha. Ah, this is something I must really think about @_@ May take a bit since it'e midnight here haha.[DOUBLEPOST=1348297633][/DOUBLEPOST] But rhyming is fun and makes it sound pretty ; ;
Sweetness. Let's hope we do as well as last time. I say the victory was all thanks to you! But we'll all try our best this time to help you out 8D KURO FAM FOR THE WIN!
Alright looks like the next challenge is up. Sucks since I know nothing and am horrible at poetry but I'll try and give it a shot. =D We can all write our own and decide on who's is more suited or combine some ideas. =^^= If that sounds okies.
/doesn'tmindbecauseIdunmind? lol fail Short? Wait? Why short? What that have t do with anything?! @_@ Or are you trying to make a pun? Huh, punk!? Haha well fine then. When I have more time because I'm supposed to be cleaning but I'm just sitting here getting distracted and trying to come up for and excuse on why I'm not cleaning ahaha. But acid seems so fun and interesting! D: I wanna watch things meeeeeelt. Yeah in my senior year. Through high school, I only really had 4 classes. Gawd knows why the school was set up like that. I'm sure you can do it. I mean, I'm not too bright at all so someone who will actually make an attempt to try can make it! =D Eh I dun minds I suppose. I don't really tell people my birthday unless they ask. It's their choice to remember. Oh I knoooooow. I've seriously been dying to go there and I though there for a while and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. =^^= Oh silly me. I forgot to ask how you are. How are you?
Heh... so, I dunno if it was on purpose but did you know you're missing an 'e' in awesome on your location? o:[DOUBLEPOST=1348268561][/DOUBLEPOST] Haha I love that show but I haven't really watched it recently. I just remember bits of things. Eh... I suppose but I rather not bring people down. I've done that enough so I'm just keeping to myself as best I can for the time being until things die down. Haha I vm you and you usually respond once xD But sure. We'll see how that goes. Um.. real acid. Stomach acid to be exact. I wanna know how dangerous it is and if it'll burn my hand and disintegrate it or something. Senior year isn't that bad of course I didn't do that much. I only really had two classes.. oddly enough, I graduated with honors. B| I am not THAT old. I'm barely gonna be 21 and I wanted to head to Dave and Buster's but the closest one is pretty far. And I meant more.
Look at all the posts that pop up rather than focus on a single conversation? o: Oh gawd that sounds mean haha sorry. It was one of the episodes where Donna won concert tickets and took everyone. Then Hyde and Fez tried to sell shirt that had his name spelled wrong. Eh.. it's been having it's ups and downs constantly but I'm really trying not to burden anyone with it haha. Eh... interesting.... interesting. Well, I've been wanting to play with acid. I dunno why. It seems fun. Other than that.. uh... not really. Just school stuff and kick out threats and trying to find rides for my friends so ore could come to my birthday event.
It's you in the futu- *shot* Nah I really dunno. I just was thinking of That 70s Show I'M HIDEOUS! HIDE THE CHILDREN!
I'm just invisible as always. Unseen by all ; ; Hi Ted Nugent
/failedagain Well I guess I'll just watch this conversation. Course, where's the fun in that? *goes to watch more anime*
Time for another failed attempt to say hello~ but.. HELLO! =D