Kingdom Hearts One. Since even at level 100, he is hard as hell.
Thirty Seven. I feel good as well, doc.
Seventeen left, Keep it up!
It's time to fulfill the prophecy.
Congratulations to you, Claw!
I see that you're a returning member. welcome Back to KH-Vids!
Thirty Five. Hey Doc, what's up?
I'm talking about the ending of Days. Trust me, I cried, almost everyone does.
Oh. Were you one of them? I'm sorry.
Banned for doing so. :P
I did so on the FF series, and Mario. Even Legend of Zelda since it usually doesn't have voice acting.
Everywhere I go, there are people who are like that. And the Internet, sadly, is no exception...
LOL. Banned for reminding me of writers block... XD
Stay strong Oklahoma! I pray for the victims of this horrible tragedy, and I also pray for the families of the victims.
Banned for... I can't think of anything...
Since I was a kid back then when I first heard about Kingdom Hearts, I was uninterested at first, but when I saw Donald and Goofy, I was like "OMG, I SHOULD BUT THIS NOW!!!" Don't judge me, I was a kid back then! XD
Banned for stating the truth.
Well, his clothing is similar to the 9th Doctor's, so I assume that John Hurt's incarnation of the Doctor is the incarnation during the Time War.
Banned for trying... :3
Trust me, I cried near the ending. Although technically, it's not the REAL ending, but I consider it so. Will you try to battle Sephiroth in KHII?