Then I'm wishing you luck! Axel's cool isn't he?
I'm replaying the game. What's your progress?
I'm also late, but Welcome to KH-Vids! Like what Nights said, Ask a staff member or read the FAQs if you have any questions, read the rules and ask any one of us for help if you need any. Hehehe... BbS is the first game that I ever played, so you can say that I play the games in order of chronological order... And Hi to you as well. P.S. Ignore what Flood said about his mental state, he's just trolling the newbies. :P
Overreacting much?
Oh, thanks, doc! Five...
Me too... At least Jellal is still there.
Banned for not changing your name... yet...
:P Yeah. Thanks. So, how are you?
Like Bleach, because the manga isn't done yet... At least when the manga is finished, the anime will be back!
LOL. It's nice to see another Faity Tail fan around here.
Nice picture of Mystogan.