no... i...i trusted you!!! NOOOO ''turns into darkside...'' i am the bunny guardian... if you wish to end all happiness... then begin by eradicating sadness....
cause i'm an a**
true, true... i was dragged back here....
wait a sec.... everytime i get mad or sad....i trun into a darkside.... i gotta try that now... it will give you both some good exp afetr youv'e killed me....
ok but please...don't be to mean against miss emma....
so um...what is my role then... i just have to speak kindly then?
dashes off with quick run.... hides in a corner.... i am a shadow....
um...what am i then?
hello sir...
um...what is the thread called sir?
well said... but i'm curious nontheless.... i heard you got voted as funniest member...
um sir... what is this user award thingy?
bye miss....
i wont ban anyone....
but...this is for the animals... i fight for friends... i will battle anyone who tries to claim my friends as their own pets... i stand on the side of nature!
give miss emma a good compliment sir and mabye she will give you charge here...
already?... ''sigh'' ''hugs'' i never hug....
it's an honour miss.... but give it to goimes alone... i'm not a leader type.... i'm a noob...heh....
not forever miss.... just today... and mabye....tomorrow....
ahh! ''hides'' sorry miss.... walks slowly towards miss....and hugs...