but you are not a servant here, right sir?
i need orders...
you might as well sir fayt....
I AM CALM! NO ONE WILL TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! I... WIll....Not liSTEN.... i won't hurt anyone! i'm sorry!
nah...it's just me sir... i seem to have a sort of anger lvl... when i get angry, i get uncontrolable and become a darkside...
''eyes the bunny castle'' you walk the path of light? then finnish me off!
anger unleashed..... you will have to kill me.... do it!!
GAAAAAAAH!!! I CA nnot conTROLL IT... KIll kill KILL!!!
calm down.... CALM DOWN!! yes...bunnies...friends... you are my friends
...iv'e become a lot angrier lately... and i am afriad if i will hurt someone... also...my little shadow who i am is about to turn into a darkside again... just briefly sir...
um...thank you miss...and thank you miss roxas-chick! um... i think my shadow is starting to become bigger...
i read that youv'e got accepted here.... congratiulations... i'm afriad i can't wear one... it would make humiliate my dark status...
well...um..yes i mean... why would i want to see your um... legs so revealed? um...i guess i should stop taliking....
i don't care if you would wear them.... it's the womens choice.... but um...why would i want you to wear them...?
um...have i done something wrong? i will be here untill tomorrow... lucky me...poor friend...
hum...you are stalking me.... it feels a little...um... wait...mini skirts!!?
hmm... it's a little different now... miss friendly heartless has played them both now....
too quiet.... oh right... congrats on your second rep gem miss...
...it is your choice of course.... but.... never?