miss em- emma is telling us about her great friends sir...
i am the darkness!!!
no siiiiir!! i wan't to play...''sob''
no...not like that..... although you do have a good point...
i'm sorry....i..um...emma....i always do that...
what game are you playing sir?
can we help you here? i am always availble for taliking miss!
and your the best....ginthasthebest!
nice to see you miss! wha...wait... we can load together!
you are the best dpwolf miss!
solidus? got it are you in free match?
turns into darkside... i am.....darkness
please tell when you are playing....
i am pure darkness gaahaha!!! ...i'm sorry....
are you playing now sir?
where are you sir....i can't find you...
i'm sorry... i din't mena it agains't you... i meant agaisn't those who know that they were....at least...please don't tease her to much...
hello miss! i am happy to hear from you at least.... and thank sir Hol that i came back for a short while... but this is just a brief while....
i...support miss ginta because of the animal loving! please don't be rude to her....
have i missed something? your not mean against animals right?