being a king is weird... *gives a pillow to both sir roxas and miss rrms*
miss rrms is just being kind sir...
i'm sorry.... goes off to hide...
just hug them then... or... back...
what if you hug them or just take the glomping or even kiss them... *catches miss rrms and puts her gently on a bed and gives her a cookie*
well...they benefit from annoying you so you could perhaps glomp them back or act like you actually like the glomping.... then they may lose the fun out of it...
but...don't they glomp you because they like you sir?
*bakes a cake for miss rrms* and sir roxas? where are the bunny sisters?
greeting sir... said that you are a miss right? are you doing miss rrms? do you enjoy it here?
i'm sorry... i gagged a little when i saw this... you are completly right for making this the worst review... if you state it sucks!
i am a complete hole made purely out of darkness to gather nemesis and destruction to the mortal world... i am also a male...
...i'm sorry...i hope miss can forgive me... i'm a failure....i...i..must leave for a while and think...
not poetry...just what we all should know...
never.... but i speak my mind sometimes.... a priest is just a follower of his belief and is only willing to do his bidding as long as himslf remains safe...
i love bunnies....and seemingly you too... however... you cannot kill a man for the path he walks... kill one if you must if it threatens the very life you hold dear... but if it stays in his shall your anger do as well...
controll your anger make! you will kill the bunnies with that! ...lets call it a favor...and one more thing... do not call me anything else but my username please....that is an order... a good sir loki you shall not put yourself or others down like that...
how is your coffee sir fayt? and sir make?... will you take care for miss rocas-chick?
thank you sir! sir make? if you are that loyal to me, a lone wolf newly declared king which you have no idea how i look like or how i act, you still follow me? not waste your life on that... it's not worth it.... no.... i must keep this rank... i am her bodyguard... i will protect my miss at any cost... so be it... i will be king...and if she so orders it i will marry her.... witch is pretty weird...
aha! what if i ban the coffee? then you must surely hate me!!! ...nah...i can't do like it so much... *goes off to drink blood* my friends... what will i have to do?