... i can't burn... the darkness keeps killing the fire... sorry miss
...i keep failing huh... um...miss demon...how are you?
my resuruction is complete... My darkness had been restored this world shalt feel the pain i have faced once more!!
a pleasure that would be.... miss emma!! no... not this... my anger... NOT AGAIN!!!
i am complete darkness luckily so i cannot be controlled that easily...
...i am a little cofused...and sad... where is everyone?
good luck sir... you have the king's blessing...
hum...please don't tell me you got flirty because of me miss...
.... BLAST IT! I HATE THIS LIGHT!! *hides*... um...hello there... welcome to the bunny castle!
n-no! i didn't mean it like that!! hmmggr!! can you not comment a girls pros without being thought upon... not that i don't like you miss emma! GAH...i'm in trouble now...
um...when you put it like that i'm to afriad to say anything else... uh... emma is pretty... i hope i didn't offend anyone....
hello miss emma! nice to see a face with such beauty again... sorry...
i'm sorry sir... i may not make more tags... perhaps you can ask somone else to type in that...
... wow... i'm amased, flattered and angry with that... but why did it have to be a good card...?
under the ground i am..haha... HEY! WHO WROTE HEART OF DARKNESS RULES!!?
*sinks into the ground*
why do you leave once more...? i understand.... i am to be alone... *hides*
don't say that miss.... hm...the light here is to strong... i must leave...
sir roxas? ...hm..he's asleep..