[IMG] Hey Jaden. I'm feeling much better now, what about you?
Xd okay lol
Lol yeah. At first I was confused because I go by Fahrenheit then I realized that you were probably using Celsius.
Seriously I'm cold!!! Though you probably knew that lol
Lol sure. Btw your post in the dueling arena was awkward lol
Wait you go by Celsius right?
Ability to Deal with Rejection 86 The potential of being rejected by others as a result of who you are or what you do is not something that you allow yourself to worry about. If people don't accept you the way you are, you are not going to go out of your way to attain their approval. Granted, rejection by someone in your life may very well hurt you, but you won't let it dictate how you feel about yourself. You know that the only approval you should be worried about is your own, and when you respect and approve of yourself, you are more likely to project an image to others that says "I am worthy, and I am have much to offer to someone." Weird the result was opposite o.o
Terra, Terra, Terra. Lol
Hey! Xd So how's the weather over there? xd It's cold here xd
uh okay *lost* but okay
Would you like to continue the rp or no?
Don't know why you didn't put this in tech support but eh. Anyway the only thing I know to do is back everything up and reformat the harddrive. But maybe someone will have a different solution and can offer better help than I can.
Curse you southern hemisphere!!!!!!! Xd My best time was A-con even if most of the people there got drunk at night. The only bad thing was was the fact that our room was right next to the elevator. GAH!!!!!!!! I hardly got any sleep because PEOPLE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO SHUT THE BLEEP UP!!!!
So you're four hours behind me then? lol idk it's 18:38 here on sunday xd
Nope! Hmmm Excasr?