Lol too funny. So any suggestions for the deck? xd
[IMG] Lol whut?
Nope! Excasr?
Idk either. anyway look at this funny error message I got from youtube lol [IMG] anyway here's the deck [IMG]
maybe so it was funny though
Yes but it was white earlier
AGH!!!!! *Runs away* Throws BEWD at next poster.
[IMG] lol
Hey Jay can you help me with my water deck when you get a chance?
Cannot throw anything due to being unconscious. Wakes up later and throws a phone at the next poster.
Seriously explain this to me.
I really like the texture you used for this. It almost looks as though it was a painting. I especially love the quote you put there. It's really cute. I wish I knew what manga it was though. For some reason though, the manga looks familiar to me.
Throws pie at next poster
Yeah. So how ru?
Livejournal: What did I do?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( Seriously though, what is it doing?
Finals? Those aren't till we come back. At least at my school anyway.
yay it's fearless xd
Because a seen of someone stabbing themselves and the blood and junk that goes with it didn't get a reaction from me. Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni is...
I do believe my mind is sadistic.