Reserving: Annie Leonhardt (Attack on Titan)
Reserving: Penny (RWBY)
You have to remember KHIII was shown prematurely to basically tell people that it was being worked on, I'm sure we'll see more in the future.
>Toxic comes back and sasses Digi I'm torn xD
No, it makes sense. I'm actually more interested in the characters than the comic itself.
Not really "obvious" I had to think of the trolls and Sollux seemed likely because of the "ll" looking so closely like "II"
"We'll do your makeup, and reserve a table at the dining hall. He won't be able to resist you, then you take him back here..." Natalie looked at Cel. "Um... that's a bit far isn't it? Alex and I haven't even been together for a full year!" She was blushing furiously at the thought, even if it did seem interesting enough. "Then, after that, you'll deal with that 2 faced ****. I have an idea...." "Oh? What is it?" "There are tons of boys on this island... If you can find someone to hook up with her... we could get her to fall in love and then I'll go in and mess it all up. Or even better, after you know she's fallen for him, kiss him... in front of her." "But then I'm doing what I'm mad at her for doing in the first place. I mean... Does that really make me any better?" "It would just... break her heart." "Yeah..." Natalie kind of wanted to, when Cel put it like that. Estelle betrayed her, and Alex kind of broke her heart. She was willing to forgive Alex, but Estelle was a totally different story. "That part of course will take some time, but that's what we should do. Whatever you want to do. Just let me know and we can start. Partner." "Let's make the reservations for tomorrow, so we can plan some more." Natalie said. "And Cel... Thanks. I do owe you for helping me with this, even if you JUST met me. Means a lot."
You are wrong. The fact it's on a GBA screen doesn't mean anything. It sold really well, as Hatok said, and Re:CoM was the same thing: a rehash/treat for fans who loved it and want a different experience, and for people who missed the original.
Yep. Sollux, right?
My friends are just a bit obsessed.
I said it before, I'll say it again. It's a ****ing treat for all the fans who wanted the Final Mixes. That's all it is. And if it's not his call to make whether or not the games were complete, well it's not yours either. But by industry standards, the game had to be complete if they released it. Sometimes, they just need more money so they add in extra content for the people willing to buy the same game twice. It's call pleasin the fans. Second, adjust your ****ing attitude. No one can take you seriously when all you do is insult people.
Annabelle panted. "Yeah... Armor would be great." Ananta had given her the biggest bruise on her leg. It kinda hurt to walk. She followed Ananta's lead and extended her keyblade. She opened her sense and focused. She wanted the armor to appear. She wanted the protection. She wanted the fashion. She had to admit, it looked a lot easier to handle for armor.
"Easy. You know. You just need to set up a romantic date, wear a nice tight short dress, and then come onto him! You know. Make him remember that YOU'RE his girlfriend. Not this *****. You need to, make out with him or something...." "I... Uh..." She smirked. "You plan a date, and I will work with your clothes and make up. I'll teach you all you should know, but then, after that, you need to do whatever I say." "Well... Uh... It's just that... this is REALLY out of my comfort zone..." It honestly was. The prospect of throwing herself at a guy just because she was dating him wasn't very her. The way Cel made it sound though, it was her last hope. In a way, she was right. What else was she gonna do? Alex had seemed to enjoy kissing Estelle, so she'd just have to be more enjoyable. "Do we have a deal, kiddo?" Cel said with a smirk. Natalie looked at the ground, then back at Cel. "...Yeah. It's a deal." she said grudgingly. She felt like she had just gotten herself into something she'd regret at a later date. But it would seem worth it if she got Alex back. She might also end up giving Estelle a piece of her mind. It wasn't just gonna go away. She would have to make it go away. Natalie hoped Estelle had a good excuse for doing w\hat she had done, because she'd need it.
Personally my favorite staff c:
I honestly think the problem is that they can't pull off weekly episodes. They worked on this one for two weeks and it ended up amazingly.
I was kidding. Lol. But yeah, I get why you don't like it. I mean, hell, I'm a fan and I think the writing is pretty bad. They've been improving lately tbh, and the newest episode is no exception. It had some of the best development I've seen, considering it was twice as long and had much more time put into it.
Um That's not the point at all.
You say it doesn't make sense, but you thought I was speaking for everyone when I wasn't, then proceeded to while continuing to ignore my point about only needing a PS3, PS4, and 3DS to play all of the KH games. I would be able to keep up with what you said if you made a coherent sentence and didn't type like a 10 year-old sending a text.
Yo We should battle in Pokemon Black one day And stream it So KHV can watch me kick an admin's ass.
Others=/=Everyone I wasn't speaking for everyone. Hat ok said others would agree, I happen to be an other, and I agree. So yeah. I wasn't saying anything about the number of games, I was saying this way people only need PS3, 3DS, and PS4 to play all of KH. Please read what I say more before replying.